Monday, April 07, 2008

[Sigh] One of the worst day in my life, Today...

Today I was so mortified (I wonder if the word is used like this ^^;;) that I would blow up if I could. Our group is gathering up textbooks for the needy students and my task is getting a name list of ten from a school so they could get the textbooks.
I missed the last meeting previously because no one, I mean NO ONE tells me where the meeting is held. *rolled eyes*I don’t bloody hell know that there are a meeting, you think I’m God?! That I can predict the future?! Goddammit!!!! I got text a girl from my group (which I named ‘BITCH.2’) asking if there is anything to do in our group that day but she don’t bloody hell reply me.
Okay, let’s ignore that first. So, I missed the last meeting. The meeting was to wrap the textbooks and to determine when to give out the books to their determined schools. I don’t know that, I didn’t attend it, remember?
Another girl (she is BITCH.1 because everything starts from her) chosen me to be her partner in a particular school. Then, she just text me saying she needed me to come with her to a school. I thought the whole group will be going because in my last meeting, they mention going together to strengthen our purpose to the school. When I get into her car, she tells me that I’m going with her only and I was flabbergasted. I hated her from the start in my deepest heart so I have no idea why she wanted to go with me.
Ah, one good news. She had a mouth ulcer and it is growing from the outside rather than inside. Pretty, isn’t it?
She told me that because she wanted me to do the talk but at the end, she talks more than me for I’m not a good talker. God bless, my dear~ *smirked*
Then, after getting the name list, she drove me back to our university and ask me to passed the list at the meeting tomorrow because she can’t attend (because of her freaking mouth ulcer). I say that I can’t attend too as I have no class tomorrow. I don’t want to -freaking- coming up to the university just for the bloody meeting. Then, we figured that I handed the list to whom-ever-what-so-ever member of our group I meet today. At the end, I met no one so I decided to email the list to BITCH.2 (I don’t know she’s a bitch at the time). I don’t know if she gets it or not because she gave me her university account email address (it simply means the email account the university opens for everybody) rather than normal address like Yahoo or Hotmail.
*time flies*
Okay, it’s time for our group to attend class and I went up to the group leader to hand up the list. I told him that I have mail the list to BITCH.2 but I give the list just in case.
He looked at me as if I’m talking rubbish. Then he ask if I have done everything like handed up the books to the needy -bloody hell- student and take photos as proof of attendance. I was like ‘what the … are you talking about?!’ I got panicked because it seems that there is something that I haven’t done. He says all things must be done today and it had been discussed in the meeting (I didn’t bloody attend it, remember?).
I say I missed the last meeting and I have no idea that things should done like that. I told him that BITCH.1 didn’t tell me that and she just asked for the list only.
Ladies and gentlemen, I’m sure you are in your sane mind to agree with me that BITCH.1 should know about it as she HAD attended the meeting. But she just asked for the list only!
My conclusion, she is either dense or senile or too freaking idiot to understand English that she couldn’t catch what she supposed to do.
Then he asked me for BITCH.1’s number so he can ask her. Nobody answer the call. A minute later, BITCH.1 called me and asked why leader call her. I won’t freaking answer that. Ask him yourself, ass! I hand my phone to him and they talked. After the call, leader said he told BITCH.1 to finish the task by this week as all people finished theirs. I have to oblige to that too. He showed me where to get the books and stated that photos are very important as my proof of attendance and work.
Later, I called BITCH.1 for more details of confirmation. I talked in full English (that’s what I’ll do whenever I get pissed off) and demand her to give me a date to do our task. She, of course bloody hell can’t answer that because she is incompetent. The reason that she can’t do it ASAP is because she wants to make doctor appointment for her freaking mouth ulcer. I don’t bloody care, it’s not my business. She must give me an answer today and I’ll wait until today’s 11.59 p.m. If she doesn’t call me, I’ll call her. Like I care if she is sleeping?! She shouldn’t be sleeping when there are things concerned me that have not done with.

Oh God, I’m fuming with fire that I have to fan myself to release heat. Plus, I got too frustrated that tears are welling in my eyes. I won’t let it flow, I just can’t.
I keep shouting curses along the way to the shopping centre (my friend want to shop for something). Then, we stop at Secret Recipe for a bite. I’ve cooled down because the cheese cake is super! All hail gourmet~

Revenge is sweet
I’ll hack both the bitches’ university account so that they can’t access it and have to meet the counselor to correct it. It wasn’t something big but it is sure troublesome to meet the counselor and things like that. Like I care?!

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