Wednesday, February 22, 2012

[myself] Omiyage from Japan~!

Hola~! Another post on goodies some guest brought from Japan!

This time, it's a snack by Premium Excellent Chocolat~

Me, I have no idea what brand is this.
When I looked it up online, it doesn't seem to have a website =O
Only found some blog posts about it.
Someone said she bought it from a grocery shop in Japan -

How does it taste?
Before that, I want to say that I thought it's a chocolate inside the wrapper but good thing I google it first.
So I know it's a biscuit with hardly any chocolate in it.

Okay, back to the taste... it doesn't taste very good.
Meaning, it's okay but is not up to par as a Japanese snack (- 3-)
When I bite into it, it feels powdery and heavy but quite crunchy in the middle.
It's sweeter than most of the Japanese snack I got, like white chocolate.
Like this blogger here said, it's the cookie crunchy texture that keeps you biting.

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