Yeah, I'm currently obsessed with cosplaying though I never done it before.
Everything started after I went to AFAMY'12.
Well, that's my first ever anime event and it moved me that there are so many people out there, who like anime so much that they sacrifice time and money for it.
Me? I like anime too. Been a fan for around 10 years but never got the urge to cosplay (mostly because this hobby is costly and I'm a total dummy in tailoring).
So getting back to the topic, I'm thinking of cosplaying for the first time ever in my life =D
Man, ever since I made that decision my heart keep on going into the 'doki doki' mode every 5 minutes. I could just die of unknown excitement (= .= ;;)
My cosplan:
Saber (Fate Stay Night) - Plain clothes version
Perona (One Piece) - Time Skip version
Saber (Fate Stay Night) - Plain clothes version
Perona (One Piece) - Time Skip version
Problem to tackle:
Saber - I need to master her expression and also, looking for a shinai to borrow/rent! >.<
Perona - Looking for material to make Kumashi. Man, this teddy is .... well, not pretty. Why can't Perona just hug a normal teddy or a skeleton (I heard some YoHoHoHo here) instead?
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