みなさん〜 ユンホです〜
Yo〜 今日のさいたまスーパーアリーナ最高でしたね!!
けさから、みなさんにあうことを とてもたのしみにしていました
I love Bigeast!!
여러분∼ 윤호입니다∼
Yo~ 오늘의 사이타마 슈퍼 아레나 최고였지요!!
오늘 아침부터, 여러분을 만나는 것을 매우 즐거워 하고 있었습니다
역시, live는 몹시 기분 좋네요∼
처음부터 끝까지, 여러분과 하나가 된 느낌이었습니다, 기뻤습니다
앞으로 1회 밖에 없다고 생각하면 정말로 서운합니다
내일 마지막 전력으로 노력하겠습니다!!
오늘 뜨거운 응원, 정말로 감사합니다!
I love Bigeast!!
~ ~ Yunho Here.
Yo~ Today's Saitama Arena was the best!!
From this morning the fact that the live made everyone happy made me happy too.
(* ^ - ˚)
The live is also nice to feel, taking all your sadness away
From the start till the end, the impression of becoming one with everyone made me felt so glad v (⌒o⌒) v
v (⌒ o ⌒) v
There's only one more to go...which I think most of you wouldn't really like it.
I'll do my best to the last for tomorrow!
There were hot cheers today and we really liked it!
I love Bigeast!!
v (*'-^*)
Credit:dnbn.org + beccary@soompi
Rough translation: fin123
Translator Note: This is an rough translation. Any mistake, please inform me. thank you!
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