I’m a muggle . With my friend Lei , we enters an unknown wizardry school under the advise of a corrupted wizard. Plain speaking, we have been cheated by him. Inside this school, the population is made up by 80% pure bloods , 17% half bloods and the remaining , us muggles. We have a hard time here because we just don’t belong there. After a week starting the lesson, Lei have been attacked by trolls and her belongings are gone in the attack. She starts thinking about quitting the school and I would follow her if she really quits. But the problem is I’ve paid a sum of gold to study in the school so it would be really hard leaving the school and wasting all my golds.
Later on , Lei tell me that she is going to continue the study . Problems after problems appears after the attack. We are having a hard time adjusting ourselves in the guild. I never know that pure bloods never sleep early. We muggles are used sleeping early if nothing happens but these people really weird. They have nothing to do but yet, they never sleep early. The problem is they don’t close the light and it’s scorching hot. Me and Lei, being on the upper bunk are roasting alive. Not only they sleep late, they also make quite a noise. Their laugh so shrill that it sends shivers all over my body and thus awakening me from my sleep.
We complain to the professors to move out from the guild but the headmaster says we have signed the contract parchment and we must stay in the guild for one season.
We were bitter but there’s nothing we can do.
So, we try our best to go home as soon as possible when the lesson’s over in weekends.
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