This is a pic I snapped from the notice board of a university.
But my phone didn’t catch whole part so I’ll write it down.
1) Due to some difficulty of clash class, schedule of august 2007 semester have been change, all students please be aware of the new time table.
2) Class for the Research Method in Education will combine with Research Method in Social Science (SBB 3014), that is in Monday, 4.00pm-6.00pm at SGT4.
3) If there any clashes class in the new time table, please kindly fill the form provided.
Gosh, this is bad (in my opinion)
This is broken English and it is on the notice board. I’m not too good in English but even I, know that there are mistakes.
i) What is clash class? I know everybody know what it is by common sense but isn’t it supposed to be class clashing…… wait, supposed it is ‘crashing’ , right? I’m getting confused.
ii) And what is due to some difficulty of clash class? The sentence seems very weird to me … -_-
iii) The (…..august 2007 semester have been change…) got a mistake. I think it is have been changed .
iv) At the second sentence, the (….that is in Monday….) seems weird too. I mean people do use the word but never I saw they use it like that. I prefer ‘that’s in Monday’ but then again , when used in full sentence , ……abnormal it seems.
Haha , that’s all I think it the mistakes.