I stood there; staring at the walls adorned by different types of DongBang posters and wondered. All of us are bustling with activities. We form forums, make fanclubs, share movies and videos, start contest and send gifts but do they know about our existence?
The answer is yes and no. Yes, they know about our existence and no because they merely know us by one mass unit of people.
Recently, I’ve been going online non-stop and feels tired about it. What actually am I doing here? Maybe I’m getting this low mood because I’ve received a rumor that S.M. Entertainment is not going to Malaysia anymore. Means none of their artist is coming. The reason is we are not making money. SM loss more than they gain. I’m greatly at loss by this rumor. I do hope it’s wrong and our boys will come back to Malaysia next year. On the other hand, I partly wished that our boys are going to military so that they could rest from all the fans-thing. They are too tired. They’ve used more than one year to finish their Asia Tour and their company is starting another one next year. Like a quote from a Cassiopeia, ‘I wished I’ve never loved them because I’m not worthy of their love…’
I’m not ready to give up my love for them but it is not as strong as in yesterday.
As I end this, I want to wish Yunho oppa a healthy life and a happy one.
‘Oppa, I love you. Please get healthy soon…’
Friday, December 28, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
[Fan account] 241107 TVXQ 2nd 'O' concert in Malaysia
*sigh* Here I go, the starting of my very first fan account. Here I am, starting to write my experience, listening to ‘Propose’ [HeyGirl! Reprise] and I can’t help but cry a little bit. The song is too beautiful combining the experience of able to see them live.
I decided to skip the part of KLIA because it’s too painful for me to remember it.
24thNovember 2007, another date to be remembered forever.
10.00 am
Me and my sisters have decided to go early because me and my twin sister are in pit zone while my younger sister is at zone A. We calculated that it’s okay to go at 12 pm (but still it’s very outrageous to be there for 12 hours.) and we went to Sungei Wang to scout for last minute red glow stick. At twelve, we left the shopping centre and head for the stadium without getting anything to eat (well, I did manage to get a squiggle before leaving)
12.00 pm
Arrive at the stadium and it already filled with red sea (we got some other sea here too- white and black- ^^;;).
Saw Vic-chan and chat with her.
Quickly get into the queue and start to bake in the sun.
I get my two sisters to scout around and I wait in the sun.
My twin sister, Su manage to see around and reported that Yuri have not come yet.
My younger sister, Teng go around the stadium and informed us that there are some people peeking in the stadium and she will join them to get pictures.
2.00 pm
Clock’s ticking, nothing interesting happen and very, very HOT!!
Su goes and queue at JJ Bar to get some goodies.
Teng take my place and my turn to scout around.
As I went down the queue to the main hall, I took a video to show how long the queue at the time.
Found Yuri and staff unpacking things. Inform her that I need her to help me pass presents to our Dong Bang boys but she is busy.
Go around the stadium to peek inside the stadium. OMG! The land is flat and the RM100 people are very near to the stage. Darn!
Get Yuri again this time and give her the present. Manage to get some Kpop Bagus too ^^
Was getting ice-cream when Teng call me to tell me that there’s an uproar like ‘I think we can go in now’
Rush back and join the queue.
Everybody is pushing and I have no idea what’s going on. It turns out that the photographer is taking pictures…… -_-|| What the …?!
But since the original queue is messed up, all of us stay at the place we’re standing.
But then, the uproar isn’t caused by the photographer. Someone claimed that she saw the boys! And since many people screams, I concluded that they have going in through the main hall.
3.00 pm
We heard music from the stage and it is [Timeless] and everybody screams. We are very happy that we are getting to see Jang Liyin in person. And they practice the song and people scream some more. Some people sing along the song too, did I?
3.10 pm
We heard the all famous tune [Balloon]!! And people scream again. Then we heard them sing and people scream again. Later, somebody scream and say that she saw Junsu coming from the stage. Gosh, we are at the back so we can neither see nor hear anything about the boys.
6.00 pm
I think it’s around this time, we are, at last getting into the stadium. But thing doesn’t come easy. Everybody is pushing and it comes to a point that it is so funny, that I decided to make a joke. Everyone is like front to back, back to front. Meaning my front is against other people back and vice versa. REALLY PUSHING LIKE CRAZY~
I make it to the entrance, safely. The security man asked me if I have camera with me and wants to check my bag. I answer no and quickly rushed to the stadium.
>> Waiting for the time to past, management unit air some songs [SuJu- Don’t don, SNSD- Into the new world, TVXQ- Open up your mind and other la~ forgotten liao]
>> Saw a member of our fanclub but forgotten her name so, sorry la~!
>> with her and her group about Dong Bang and other things.
>> Get to know 2 japanese . They are very beautiful.
8.00 pm
-Opening -O-
Woah, the bass is really loud. And my heart is thumping along with it.
And each introduction of them gains a lot of screaming.
I search for Yunho oppa and can’t find him. Then, I realized that Yunho still haven’t recovered from his injury.
-Milion Men
Although I’m very excited and got scream but didn’t notice much as Yunho isn’t there. There’s no meaning for me to remember it.
-Battlefield #1
Very excited because the screen is big and they are very handsome.
-The Way You Are
Very happy that this song finally comes out but I didn’t remember most of it. As I have mentioned earlier, without Yunho oppa, I can’t focus 100% into it.
-Rising Sun
Couldn’t be happier because this is the first pop rock from them I ever heard. Yunho oppa still stand at the back singing his part. When it is time for Changmin to yell, I focus on the big screen and caught him breathing while the yelling is still on. Haha~ it’s not that I don’t know they are lip-synced but its amusing seeing them do that.
-Tears in the water
The music is very calm and nice. Then a dropped from the top and it’s very interesting to see it because ….well, I don’t know. It is just fascinating. A man jumped for her rescue and I remember reading that it’s Jae who did it. So, we yell his name but later on found out that he is not Jae. This music give us time to relax and gain back strength to scream some more.
Personally, I love this song because it’s the first song that I’ve translated the lyric from Korean to romanji. But in their 1st Japan Live, this song is used to say goodbye so when the song starts to play, I feel a pain in my heart. I still love this song but I don’t want to hear it in the concert because I don’t want them to say goodbye. Pretty selfish of me but who wants to depart from them?
Ah ha ha, the management unit subbed what the boys is saying so that we can understand what the boys is talking about. So when we found out what is they are talking about, we scream as a reply. I’m really happy that the boys is taking us seriously (at least I think so) and I’m really glad that I can see Yunho oppa so happy here.
What is more blissfully than to hear my favorite song live in front of me? I really love this song and I only focus on Yunho as this is the reason I’m here in the concert. The song is beautiful and the starting is very soothing.
-You Are My Miracle
Woah, the fireworks shoot out and everybody is enjoying the song. The boys is wearing white cape and Yucheon walk past in front of me! XDXDXD~! What can I say? He looks very handsome and has beautiful skin. How’s the song? Forgotten liao ^^;;
-Junsu (My page)
I focus on the big screen until I notice some rain-like scenery and I’m surprised that its water sprayed on him from above. Very cool~ and when he dance like that with the female dancer. Woah, man~! And I see him slipped a little bit when he is in the center of the cross but he managed to catch himself from falling.
-Yucheon (One last cry)
This song is very nice XDXDXD~! And he is really into the song, looks very handsome. As he is at the center of the cross, I can’t see him so I just watch through the big screen. Very beautiful~ And I’m informed that after his song ended, he throw his hat and our Kingdom people got it. Lucky ~!
This music is so touching. At the screen, it displays our Dong Bang at Prague and some short message at the picture. I remembers that got a picture of Yunho and the message is [You only love].
OMG~! I live to hear the song live (just kidding)!! Some people did mention that their live version of this song isn’t good because all of them are shouting together. But I really love the moment when Yunho shout ‘Hey….girl~!’
-Yunho (Spokesman)
I thought Yunho won’t dance for this one but he really did~! So, I give my all and scream for him. And I wonder if DongHae did come for Yunho but some anonymous guy rap for Yunho instead. Some people say he is Ricky, some people say its Henry but the most absurd one is the papers. They say he is DongHae. Haha~! Yunho appears looked like a leader who keeps throwing his papers around and very cute!! Then later, his dancers carry him up and I was like ‘Please do it properly and don’t drop him!’ After putting him down, the dancers have their hands on Yunho’s clothes. I thought they are smarting his clothes but they suddenly tore it apart revealing another shirt underneath. Woah, I scream like crazy. Then Yunho go and wear the jacket on the mike stand and rapped for some time. Later on, the dancers helped him out from the jacket and into another new one. Yunho take his time wearing it, ily. Again, scream like crazy. Yunho sings a part which the screen displays the lyric. I wonder if he wants us to sing along. But the lyric went too fast. I’m not capable to sing rap in Korean yet. Mian hada, Yunho oppa!!!
Haha, really love the song! So upbeat and Yunho drive his car with Yucheon. While, the two boys take the center route, the other boys took the curve one. Junsu walk past in front of me. His skin is so radiant! Did he smile? Aiya, I’ve forgotten liao.
-Danger zone
It’s a war scene before the next song. So capturing(?) but the words have etched into my mind.
-Dangerous Mind
I didn’t notice much of the song because Yunho didn’t dance. I keep searching for him. But I like this song too yo~! Plus, Teng say Junsu really jumped over Changmin from behind.
-O Jeong Ban Hap
I’m sorry to see Junsu substituting for Yunho because he must have pressure. And it just isn’t interesting without Yunho in it. So I just capture the video via big screen when I realized it is permitted as the security guard himself is capturing it. Plus, there is a who keeps taking videos via big screen and they didn’t catch her.
I was near the side when two s quickly stood at the side and I overheard them that the song coming is Remember and Yucheon is coming this way. I ask them and they say it’s true. As sure as the statement, the song comes in and Yucheon starts to make his way to our side. The guards keep guarding us so that we don’t do anything harmful. And that makes three Dong Bang boys just past in front of me. Yucheon is so radiant too and have beautiful skin.
It’s Timeless now and many people screams because can see Jang Liyin again. The song is very powerful and I’m glad that I’m able to hear it live. After the song ends, Junsu seems like giving a short introduction of her and leave. We thought Jang Liyin will stay to introduce herself more but she bow and take off after Junsu. I guess she is just anxious.
-Changmin (When I first kiss you)
The starting of this song is very cute. Changmin plays the entire instrument and declare that everything is well before starting the song. So cute!! Then, the screaming seems to cease because maybe only now the fans know how to shut up and listen. The local paper quoted otherwise and says that Changmin’s song isn’t popular. *sigh*
-Jaejoong (Crying)
His voice is so powerful and he is so into the song, singing passionately just like Yucheon. I just watched him through the big screen. Beautiful Jae~
The animation of cute TVXQ comes into the big screen and I recorded it. I didn’t realize anything different until Su mention that it’s different from the previous animation. It’s the cute fat version!! XDXD!! And after the animation ended, the boys come out and Changmin drives his plane-car to our curve. The road must be bumpy as his car is unable to drive further. He smile and sweat-dropped because his car won’t go as he wish. So, Changmin is driving around in front of us. We keep shouting ‘Changmin ah~!’ I thought Yunho would come this way as this is right pit, his pit! *sigh* He is nowhere to be seen.
The upbeat song comes and everybody drive back to the stage to abandon their plane-car. Everybody is singing along and Changmin went to our curve with two dancers. When A-Z dancers are walking past, we scream and waves to them. The famous A-Z people! *amazed* Then, Changmin is fooling around with his dancers at our curve. So cute!!! He has with him a paper bag and he keep fumbling into it and pretending that he can’t take the thing inside out. At last, he managed to get it out (its paper flower) and the dancers throw the flowers to the fans.
This time, what they are saying isn’t subbed so I have no idea what Yunho oppa and the other is talking about but I figure it means the next song is the last song for today.
They went around singing the song. Junsu comes to our curve and we all scream and yell his name ‘Kim Junsu, Kim Junsu!’ and he smile. He goes to the lift-thingy and got himself higher for the RM100 people to see him. I think others also got do the same thing but I didn’t notice. Because he is just right in front of us, we all yell his name and I saw Junsu grins. Then, he moves his hip slightly and one more time, even more obvious now. And we all scream again. He got down the lift and went to the front so I recorded the rest via the big screen. When the song ended, they give their thanks and Yucheon say something in English (forgotten what is it but I’m sure I understand it). Then they all go back.
As soon as I realized that Unforgettable is the last song, I shout ‘Oppa, andwae!!’ and all of us started to chant ‘Encore!’ For many times we have chanted but nothing happen. I was about to give up when the voice shouted ‘Yeoreobun!’ (It means everybody) All of us scream and shouted.
This is the last song and everybody seems very happy with it. All the boys rush out with bottle of water in their hand. Jaejoong walk to our curve with a cheeky grin. We thought he would splash us with water but he just unscrew the cap as he walk past us. But I am managed to get a look at Jae. He is so beautiful, the image of beauty. So radiant the skin and as white as Snow White’s. Later, Jae comes back to our curve and splashed us with the remaining of his water. He is so playful comparing to last concert. This concluded my close encounter with the boys. I saw everybody except Yunho. I’m at the right pit but I can’t see him closely…. so irony T^T
The boys went back and I saw that they are not coming out anymore (as much as I have hoped they would). I quickly rushed out the exit and go back to the main hall where we enter and noticed that the posters at the door already gone but the one at the wall still here. I looked around and saw a guard. I pleaded him to let me have the poster and use my charm (if I have any). He says that he can’t help me and I must get it myself. I’m relieved and asked for confirmation that he won’t catch me if I do. He won’t and I quickly get to work. As I tore off the 1st one, an old man tore off the poster next to me and I quickly take the chance and ask him if I can have another one of the poster and give many reasons. He agrees and he helped me to get the other poster next to his after he have tore off one for himself. Haha~ save RM20 there.
Author : Me => mahominamino@suyi
I decided to skip the part of KLIA because it’s too painful for me to remember it.
24thNovember 2007, another date to be remembered forever.
10.00 am
Me and my sisters have decided to go early because me and my twin sister are in pit zone while my younger sister is at zone A. We calculated that it’s okay to go at 12 pm (but still it’s very outrageous to be there for 12 hours.) and we went to Sungei Wang to scout for last minute red glow stick. At twelve, we left the shopping centre and head for the stadium without getting anything to eat (well, I did manage to get a squiggle before leaving)
12.00 pm
Arrive at the stadium and it already filled with red sea (we got some other sea here too- white and black- ^^;;).
Saw Vic-chan and chat with her.
Quickly get into the queue and start to bake in the sun.
I get my two sisters to scout around and I wait in the sun.
My twin sister, Su manage to see around and reported that Yuri have not come yet.
My younger sister, Teng go around the stadium and informed us that there are some people peeking in the stadium and she will join them to get pictures.
2.00 pm
Clock’s ticking, nothing interesting happen and very, very HOT!!
Su goes and queue at JJ Bar to get some goodies.
Teng take my place and my turn to scout around.
As I went down the queue to the main hall, I took a video to show how long the queue at the time.
Found Yuri and staff unpacking things. Inform her that I need her to help me pass presents to our Dong Bang boys but she is busy.
Go around the stadium to peek inside the stadium. OMG! The land is flat and the RM100 people are very near to the stage. Darn!
Get Yuri again this time and give her the present. Manage to get some Kpop Bagus too ^^
Was getting ice-cream when Teng call me to tell me that there’s an uproar like ‘I think we can go in now’
Rush back and join the queue.
Everybody is pushing and I have no idea what’s going on. It turns out that the photographer is taking pictures…… -_-|| What the …?!
But since the original queue is messed up, all of us stay at the place we’re standing.
But then, the uproar isn’t caused by the photographer. Someone claimed that she saw the boys! And since many people screams, I concluded that they have going in through the main hall.
3.00 pm
We heard music from the stage and it is [Timeless] and everybody screams. We are very happy that we are getting to see Jang Liyin in person. And they practice the song and people scream some more. Some people sing along the song too, did I?
3.10 pm
We heard the all famous tune [Balloon]!! And people scream again. Then we heard them sing and people scream again. Later, somebody scream and say that she saw Junsu coming from the stage. Gosh, we are at the back so we can neither see nor hear anything about the boys.
6.00 pm
I think it’s around this time, we are, at last getting into the stadium. But thing doesn’t come easy. Everybody is pushing and it comes to a point that it is so funny, that I decided to make a joke. Everyone is like front to back, back to front. Meaning my front is against other people back and vice versa. REALLY PUSHING LIKE CRAZY~
I make it to the entrance, safely. The security man asked me if I have camera with me and wants to check my bag. I answer no and quickly rushed to the stadium.
>> Waiting for the time to past, management unit air some songs [SuJu- Don’t don, SNSD- Into the new world, TVXQ- Open up your mind and other la~ forgotten liao]
>> Saw a member of our fanclub but forgotten her name so, sorry la~!
>> with her and her group about Dong Bang and other things.
>> Get to know 2 japanese . They are very beautiful.
8.00 pm
-Opening -O-
Woah, the bass is really loud. And my heart is thumping along with it.
And each introduction of them gains a lot of screaming.
I search for Yunho oppa and can’t find him. Then, I realized that Yunho still haven’t recovered from his injury.
-Milion Men
Although I’m very excited and got scream but didn’t notice much as Yunho isn’t there. There’s no meaning for me to remember it.
-Battlefield #1
Very excited because the screen is big and they are very handsome.
-The Way You Are
Very happy that this song finally comes out but I didn’t remember most of it. As I have mentioned earlier, without Yunho oppa, I can’t focus 100% into it.
-Rising Sun
Couldn’t be happier because this is the first pop rock from them I ever heard. Yunho oppa still stand at the back singing his part. When it is time for Changmin to yell, I focus on the big screen and caught him breathing while the yelling is still on. Haha~ it’s not that I don’t know they are lip-synced but its amusing seeing them do that.
-Tears in the water
The music is very calm and nice. Then a dropped from the top and it’s very interesting to see it because ….well, I don’t know. It is just fascinating. A man jumped for her rescue and I remember reading that it’s Jae who did it. So, we yell his name but later on found out that he is not Jae. This music give us time to relax and gain back strength to scream some more.
Personally, I love this song because it’s the first song that I’ve translated the lyric from Korean to romanji. But in their 1st Japan Live, this song is used to say goodbye so when the song starts to play, I feel a pain in my heart. I still love this song but I don’t want to hear it in the concert because I don’t want them to say goodbye. Pretty selfish of me but who wants to depart from them?
Ah ha ha, the management unit subbed what the boys is saying so that we can understand what the boys is talking about. So when we found out what is they are talking about, we scream as a reply. I’m really happy that the boys is taking us seriously (at least I think so) and I’m really glad that I can see Yunho oppa so happy here.
What is more blissfully than to hear my favorite song live in front of me? I really love this song and I only focus on Yunho as this is the reason I’m here in the concert. The song is beautiful and the starting is very soothing.
-You Are My Miracle
Woah, the fireworks shoot out and everybody is enjoying the song. The boys is wearing white cape and Yucheon walk past in front of me! XDXDXD~! What can I say? He looks very handsome and has beautiful skin. How’s the song? Forgotten liao ^^;;
-Junsu (My page)
I focus on the big screen until I notice some rain-like scenery and I’m surprised that its water sprayed on him from above. Very cool~ and when he dance like that with the female dancer. Woah, man~! And I see him slipped a little bit when he is in the center of the cross but he managed to catch himself from falling.
-Yucheon (One last cry)
This song is very nice XDXDXD~! And he is really into the song, looks very handsome. As he is at the center of the cross, I can’t see him so I just watch through the big screen. Very beautiful~ And I’m informed that after his song ended, he throw his hat and our Kingdom people got it. Lucky ~!
This music is so touching. At the screen, it displays our Dong Bang at Prague and some short message at the picture. I remembers that got a picture of Yunho and the message is [You only love].
OMG~! I live to hear the song live (just kidding)!! Some people did mention that their live version of this song isn’t good because all of them are shouting together. But I really love the moment when Yunho shout ‘Hey….girl~!’
-Yunho (Spokesman)
I thought Yunho won’t dance for this one but he really did~! So, I give my all and scream for him. And I wonder if DongHae did come for Yunho but some anonymous guy rap for Yunho instead. Some people say he is Ricky, some people say its Henry but the most absurd one is the papers. They say he is DongHae. Haha~! Yunho appears looked like a leader who keeps throwing his papers around and very cute!! Then later, his dancers carry him up and I was like ‘Please do it properly and don’t drop him!’ After putting him down, the dancers have their hands on Yunho’s clothes. I thought they are smarting his clothes but they suddenly tore it apart revealing another shirt underneath. Woah, I scream like crazy. Then Yunho go and wear the jacket on the mike stand and rapped for some time. Later on, the dancers helped him out from the jacket and into another new one. Yunho take his time wearing it, ily. Again, scream like crazy. Yunho sings a part which the screen displays the lyric. I wonder if he wants us to sing along. But the lyric went too fast. I’m not capable to sing rap in Korean yet. Mian hada, Yunho oppa!!!
Haha, really love the song! So upbeat and Yunho drive his car with Yucheon. While, the two boys take the center route, the other boys took the curve one. Junsu walk past in front of me. His skin is so radiant! Did he smile? Aiya, I’ve forgotten liao.
-Danger zone
It’s a war scene before the next song. So capturing(?) but the words have etched into my mind.
-Dangerous Mind
I didn’t notice much of the song because Yunho didn’t dance. I keep searching for him. But I like this song too yo~! Plus, Teng say Junsu really jumped over Changmin from behind.
-O Jeong Ban Hap
I’m sorry to see Junsu substituting for Yunho because he must have pressure. And it just isn’t interesting without Yunho in it. So I just capture the video via big screen when I realized it is permitted as the security guard himself is capturing it. Plus, there is a who keeps taking videos via big screen and they didn’t catch her.
I was near the side when two s quickly stood at the side and I overheard them that the song coming is Remember and Yucheon is coming this way. I ask them and they say it’s true. As sure as the statement, the song comes in and Yucheon starts to make his way to our side. The guards keep guarding us so that we don’t do anything harmful. And that makes three Dong Bang boys just past in front of me. Yucheon is so radiant too and have beautiful skin.
It’s Timeless now and many people screams because can see Jang Liyin again. The song is very powerful and I’m glad that I’m able to hear it live. After the song ends, Junsu seems like giving a short introduction of her and leave. We thought Jang Liyin will stay to introduce herself more but she bow and take off after Junsu. I guess she is just anxious.
-Changmin (When I first kiss you)
The starting of this song is very cute. Changmin plays the entire instrument and declare that everything is well before starting the song. So cute!! Then, the screaming seems to cease because maybe only now the fans know how to shut up and listen. The local paper quoted otherwise and says that Changmin’s song isn’t popular. *sigh*
-Jaejoong (Crying)
His voice is so powerful and he is so into the song, singing passionately just like Yucheon. I just watched him through the big screen. Beautiful Jae~
The animation of cute TVXQ comes into the big screen and I recorded it. I didn’t realize anything different until Su mention that it’s different from the previous animation. It’s the cute fat version!! XDXD!! And after the animation ended, the boys come out and Changmin drives his plane-car to our curve. The road must be bumpy as his car is unable to drive further. He smile and sweat-dropped because his car won’t go as he wish. So, Changmin is driving around in front of us. We keep shouting ‘Changmin ah~!’ I thought Yunho would come this way as this is right pit, his pit! *sigh* He is nowhere to be seen.
The upbeat song comes and everybody drive back to the stage to abandon their plane-car. Everybody is singing along and Changmin went to our curve with two dancers. When A-Z dancers are walking past, we scream and waves to them. The famous A-Z people! *amazed* Then, Changmin is fooling around with his dancers at our curve. So cute!!! He has with him a paper bag and he keep fumbling into it and pretending that he can’t take the thing inside out. At last, he managed to get it out (its paper flower) and the dancers throw the flowers to the fans.
This time, what they are saying isn’t subbed so I have no idea what Yunho oppa and the other is talking about but I figure it means the next song is the last song for today.
They went around singing the song. Junsu comes to our curve and we all scream and yell his name ‘Kim Junsu, Kim Junsu!’ and he smile. He goes to the lift-thingy and got himself higher for the RM100 people to see him. I think others also got do the same thing but I didn’t notice. Because he is just right in front of us, we all yell his name and I saw Junsu grins. Then, he moves his hip slightly and one more time, even more obvious now. And we all scream again. He got down the lift and went to the front so I recorded the rest via the big screen. When the song ended, they give their thanks and Yucheon say something in English (forgotten what is it but I’m sure I understand it). Then they all go back.
As soon as I realized that Unforgettable is the last song, I shout ‘Oppa, andwae!!’ and all of us started to chant ‘Encore!’ For many times we have chanted but nothing happen. I was about to give up when the voice shouted ‘Yeoreobun!’ (It means everybody) All of us scream and shouted.
This is the last song and everybody seems very happy with it. All the boys rush out with bottle of water in their hand. Jaejoong walk to our curve with a cheeky grin. We thought he would splash us with water but he just unscrew the cap as he walk past us. But I am managed to get a look at Jae. He is so beautiful, the image of beauty. So radiant the skin and as white as Snow White’s. Later, Jae comes back to our curve and splashed us with the remaining of his water. He is so playful comparing to last concert. This concluded my close encounter with the boys. I saw everybody except Yunho. I’m at the right pit but I can’t see him closely…. so irony T^T
The boys went back and I saw that they are not coming out anymore (as much as I have hoped they would). I quickly rushed out the exit and go back to the main hall where we enter and noticed that the posters at the door already gone but the one at the wall still here. I looked around and saw a guard. I pleaded him to let me have the poster and use my charm (if I have any). He says that he can’t help me and I must get it myself. I’m relieved and asked for confirmation that he won’t catch me if I do. He won’t and I quickly get to work. As I tore off the 1st one, an old man tore off the poster next to me and I quickly take the chance and ask him if I can have another one of the poster and give many reasons. He agrees and he helped me to get the other poster next to his after he have tore off one for himself. Haha~ save RM20 there.
Author : Me => mahominamino@suyi
Monday, November 26, 2007
My account at the airport [23.11.07]
I arrive at Merdeka Stadium at about 3pm. Me and my sisters are going to collecting some merchandise from Kpop Kingdom. At about 5 pm (I didn’t notice the time ^^;;) , we take the bus provided by Kingdom to go to the airport (KLIA).
Arriving at the airport at 6pm, we have our dinner at McDonald because they are said to be arriving at 8pm.
At about 6.30pm, we start to queue around the arriving hall. But somebody say that they are going out from another gate instead of the one we are monitoring. We quickly switch place and wait.
It’s 8.00 and they are not coming out. After almost an hour, some people scream and the situation become chaotic. The sign of their arrival. The guards become stricter and scarier. They push and yell at us. Talk about being crazy -_-||
Our oppa comes out from the hall and everybody scream and push and scream.
Because I didn’t run after them, I saw much damage done by our fans.
The mother of a family (tourist) lost her slipper. And a fans tumbled on the floor and she trips many of us. At my left, 5 fans almost get trampled. They are unable to get up but didn’t get step on.
A fans dropped her DBSK collection bag. And I heard a Malay girl fainted because she got asthma. Plus, there are people tapping the window of our oppa’s van. Scary…
Okay, the descriptions of our oppa.
Yunho >> He comes out first, smiling all the way. He wears a white jacket and a black singlet with black beanie.
Changmin >> He comes behind Yunho and he wears dark green cap with long black sleeved shirt.
Junsu >> Then, it’s Junsu coming. He wears black cap and a dark jacket.
Jaejoong >> He look down and just walk. Guess he is sick (flu?). He wears a face mask and a cap, plus a black jacket + shirt.
Yucheon >> He is the last one and he walks slower than the others. He smile and I thought he laugh his infamous soundless laugh. He wears a purple scarf and almost matching beanie plus a short sleeved gray shirt.
PS >> About Changmin, a fans rubbed his arm and exclaimed that she have touched him.
Haha, talk about perverts.
Arriving at the airport at 6pm, we have our dinner at McDonald because they are said to be arriving at 8pm.
At about 6.30pm, we start to queue around the arriving hall. But somebody say that they are going out from another gate instead of the one we are monitoring. We quickly switch place and wait.
It’s 8.00 and they are not coming out. After almost an hour, some people scream and the situation become chaotic. The sign of their arrival. The guards become stricter and scarier. They push and yell at us. Talk about being crazy -_-||
Our oppa comes out from the hall and everybody scream and push and scream.
Because I didn’t run after them, I saw much damage done by our fans.
The mother of a family (tourist) lost her slipper. And a fans tumbled on the floor and she trips many of us. At my left, 5 fans almost get trampled. They are unable to get up but didn’t get step on.
A fans dropped her DBSK collection bag. And I heard a Malay girl fainted because she got asthma. Plus, there are people tapping the window of our oppa’s van. Scary…
Okay, the descriptions of our oppa.
Yunho >> He comes out first, smiling all the way. He wears a white jacket and a black singlet with black beanie.
Changmin >> He comes behind Yunho and he wears dark green cap with long black sleeved shirt.
Junsu >> Then, it’s Junsu coming. He wears black cap and a dark jacket.
Jaejoong >> He look down and just walk. Guess he is sick (flu?). He wears a face mask and a cap, plus a black jacket + shirt.
Yucheon >> He is the last one and he walks slower than the others. He smile and I thought he laugh his infamous soundless laugh. He wears a purple scarf and almost matching beanie plus a short sleeved gray shirt.
PS >> About Changmin, a fans rubbed his arm and exclaimed that she have touched him.
Haha, talk about perverts.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
2nd concert Live in Malaysia XDXD~!
The song list :
1. Opening [O] << The intro of the concert
2. Phantom
3. Million men
4. Battle Field #1 << Very cool~! Everybody looks very handsome in slaying
5. The way you are [remix]
6. Rising Sun
7. Tears in the water << I think this is the song they use to perform
underwater saving beauty mission
8. One
9. Ment << I think this is the time they talk a little things to fans
10. Miduhyo (I believe)
11. You are my miracle
12. Junsu solo - My page
13. Yucheon solo - One last cry
14. HeyGirl!
15. I wanna hold you
16. Yunho solo - Spokesman << Oh my god! His voice is very sexy and powerful!!
17. Drive
18. You only love
19. Danger zone << They start to introduce the song [Dangerous mind]
20. Dangerous mind
21. [Wrong info, they didn't sing this one]-Open up your mind
22. Tri-angle
23. O Jeong.Ban.Hap
24. Remember
25. Timeless << Junsu and Zhangliyin [Powerful voice ^^]
26. Changmin solo - When I first kiss you
27. JaeJoong solo - Crying
28. Balloon
29. Hiyaya
30. Ment << They talk about fans and their feelings
31. Unforgettable
32. Closing << They say that they are thankful and bid us goodbye
1. Hug << We are able to get an encore at last XDXD~!
>> If the list is wrong in any part, please tell me so that I can correct it. I can’t remember all because I’m mesmerized by our oppa already ^^;;
~ More information to be updated later ~
1. Opening [O] << The intro of the concert
2. Phantom
3. Million men
4. Battle Field #1 << Very cool~! Everybody looks very handsome in slaying
5. The way you are [remix]
6. Rising Sun
7. Tears in the water << I think this is the song they use to perform
underwater saving beauty mission
8. One
9. Ment << I think this is the time they talk a little things to fans
10. Miduhyo (I believe)
11. You are my miracle
12. Junsu solo - My page
13. Yucheon solo - One last cry
14. HeyGirl!
15. I wanna hold you
16. Yunho solo - Spokesman << Oh my god! His voice is very sexy and powerful!!
17. Drive
18. You only love
19. Danger zone << They start to introduce the song [Dangerous mind]
20. Dangerous mind
21. [Wrong info, they didn't sing this one]-Open up your mind
22. Tri-angle
23. O Jeong.Ban.Hap
24. Remember
25. Timeless << Junsu and Zhangliyin [Powerful voice ^^]
26. Changmin solo - When I first kiss you
27. JaeJoong solo - Crying
28. Balloon
29. Hiyaya
30. Ment << They talk about fans and their feelings
31. Unforgettable
32. Closing << They say that they are thankful and bid us goodbye
1. Hug << We are able to get an encore at last XDXD~!
>> If the list is wrong in any part, please tell me so that I can correct it. I can’t remember all because I’m mesmerized by our oppa already ^^;;
~ More information to be updated later ~
Thursday, November 22, 2007
(Me) Angel VS Devil
(Me) Angel VS Devil
Angel: I have some… *pushed away by Devil*
Devil: Slow~! I’ll say it. I hate this academy! I wouldn’t consider an academy to be one if they don’t have anything called [cafeteria]
Angel: Now, now there. There must be some reason that they don’t have one. Maybe they don’t have the enough space or budget to do it.
Devil: Uh huh, as if *roll eyes* Even their main campus don’t have a [cafeteria] *stressing the word* And I won’t consider that is a campus too because it is just a big 3-storey building.
Angel: How do you know that they don’t have one? And how a campus defined is how you perceive it only.
Devil: Like always *roll eyes* there aren’t any signs telling where is the [cafeteria] so I assume that it didn’t have one. And that goddamm building is just sucks. It is even smaller than his/her rival next door. Because he/her is so small, the map of the area won’t even show it. *crossed arms*
Angel: That is plain assumptions or appeal to ignorance in Critical Thinking. And for the map, maybe you’re looking at the older version.
Devil: There is too much maybe. You yourself ain’t sure that you are right about the stuff.
Angel: …..
Devil: Plus, I hate the library of the academy. What kind of library that have only two shelves of books? And don’t play words with me; I’m not talking about the libraries in rural areas (if they have one).
Angel: But they still have some book, that’s still counted for a library.
Devil: Gaaarg…! *frustrated* You just don’t understand, don’t you? You are either naïve or idiotic. Two shelves are not library. It is rubbish!
Angel: Still, people go and study in it.
Devil: Whatever! *dismissing Angel* It’s not like you understand it anyway. By the way, our mistress is writing a letter of apology yesterday.
Angel: So I’ve known. She has to do it because she has make mistakes.
Devil: As if! She is getting punished for no reason. The ad did mention that everybody is invited to join, not required to join! Can you not read? Our mistress writes it because she doesn’t want to cause chaos with the –YouKnowWho- . Be thankful that she didn’t consult me or things will be messier.
Angel: Well, she didn’t ask for permission to go so naturally she needs to do it.
Devil: Like…. OH, what the?! You just don’t understand. This is human! As if they will give permission when they don’t want you to go away. *shakes Angel* Open your eyes! Humanity changes! WE, Devils rules~! Satan is coming!!
Angel: Don’t get your hopes high. God won’t let this happen!
Devil: Haha.*dismissing Angel*
Angel: I have some… *pushed away by Devil*
Devil: Slow~! I’ll say it. I hate this academy! I wouldn’t consider an academy to be one if they don’t have anything called [cafeteria]
Angel: Now, now there. There must be some reason that they don’t have one. Maybe they don’t have the enough space or budget to do it.
Devil: Uh huh, as if *roll eyes* Even their main campus don’t have a [cafeteria] *stressing the word* And I won’t consider that is a campus too because it is just a big 3-storey building.
Angel: How do you know that they don’t have one? And how a campus defined is how you perceive it only.
Devil: Like always *roll eyes* there aren’t any signs telling where is the [cafeteria] so I assume that it didn’t have one. And that goddamm building is just sucks. It is even smaller than his/her rival next door. Because he/her is so small, the map of the area won’t even show it. *crossed arms*
Angel: That is plain assumptions or appeal to ignorance in Critical Thinking. And for the map, maybe you’re looking at the older version.
Devil: There is too much maybe. You yourself ain’t sure that you are right about the stuff.
Angel: …..
Devil: Plus, I hate the library of the academy. What kind of library that have only two shelves of books? And don’t play words with me; I’m not talking about the libraries in rural areas (if they have one).
Angel: But they still have some book, that’s still counted for a library.
Devil: Gaaarg…! *frustrated* You just don’t understand, don’t you? You are either naïve or idiotic. Two shelves are not library. It is rubbish!
Angel: Still, people go and study in it.
Devil: Whatever! *dismissing Angel* It’s not like you understand it anyway. By the way, our mistress is writing a letter of apology yesterday.
Angel: So I’ve known. She has to do it because she has make mistakes.
Devil: As if! She is getting punished for no reason. The ad did mention that everybody is invited to join, not required to join! Can you not read? Our mistress writes it because she doesn’t want to cause chaos with the –YouKnowWho- . Be thankful that she didn’t consult me or things will be messier.
Angel: Well, she didn’t ask for permission to go so naturally she needs to do it.
Devil: Like…. OH, what the?! You just don’t understand. This is human! As if they will give permission when they don’t want you to go away. *shakes Angel* Open your eyes! Humanity changes! WE, Devils rules~! Satan is coming!!
Angel: Don’t get your hopes high. God won’t let this happen!
Devil: Haha.*dismissing Angel*
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Mistakes in memo

This is a pic I snapped from the notice board of a university.
But my phone didn’t catch whole part so I’ll write it down.
1) Due to some difficulty of clash class, schedule of august 2007 semester have been change, all students please be aware of the new time table.
2) Class for the Research Method in Education will combine with Research Method in Social Science (SBB 3014), that is in Monday, 4.00pm-6.00pm at SGT4.
3) If there any clashes class in the new time table, please kindly fill the form provided.
Gosh, this is bad (in my opinion)
This is broken English and it is on the notice board. I’m not too good in English but even I, know that there are mistakes.
i) What is clash class? I know everybody know what it is by common sense but isn’t it supposed to be class clashing…… wait, supposed it is ‘crashing’ , right? I’m getting confused.
ii) And what is due to some difficulty of clash class? The sentence seems very weird to me … -_-
iii) The (…..august 2007 semester have been change…) got a mistake. I think it is have been changed .
iv) At the second sentence, the (….that is in Monday….) seems weird too. I mean people do use the word but never I saw they use it like that. I prefer ‘that’s in Monday’ but then again , when used in full sentence , ……abnormal it seems.
Haha , that’s all I think it the mistakes.
Chapter one : The grave entrance

I’m a muggle . With my friend Lei , we enters an unknown wizardry school under the advise of a corrupted wizard. Plain speaking, we have been cheated by him. Inside this school, the population is made up by 80% pure bloods , 17% half bloods and the remaining , us muggles. We have a hard time here because we just don’t belong there. After a week starting the lesson, Lei have been attacked by trolls and her belongings are gone in the attack. She starts thinking about quitting the school and I would follow her if she really quits. But the problem is I’ve paid a sum of gold to study in the school so it would be really hard leaving the school and wasting all my golds.
Later on , Lei tell me that she is going to continue the study . Problems after problems appears after the attack. We are having a hard time adjusting ourselves in the guild. I never know that pure bloods never sleep early. We muggles are used sleeping early if nothing happens but these people really weird. They have nothing to do but yet, they never sleep early. The problem is they don’t close the light and it’s scorching hot. Me and Lei, being on the upper bunk are roasting alive. Not only they sleep late, they also make quite a noise. Their laugh so shrill that it sends shivers all over my body and thus awakening me from my sleep.
We complain to the professors to move out from the guild but the headmaster says we have signed the contract parchment and we must stay in the guild for one season.
We were bitter but there’s nothing we can do.
So, we try our best to go home as soon as possible when the lesson’s over in weekends.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Sunday, September 09, 2007
DBSK new Single >> Shine! / Ride On
Another life confession
Sometimes , I’m wondering if I’m as good as I thought I would be.
When I’m small , I always thought I like to grow up to be a social worker. Then , as I grow up, money seems a big matter to me so I gave up to be a social worker.
Now, when I can only get a RM30000 worth study loan from government to support my RM37000 studies, money is everything to me(not including self-support short term studies and accommodation + misc fees). I get stingy , even to myself.
Except my friend *Elle, nobody knows about my stingy diet. Everyday , I would have two slices of bread + two packets of biscuits as breakfast, a rice with vegetables as lunch and two slices of bread + two packets of biscuits as dinner. It’s because I don’t want to burden my family as my younger twin sister is studying university too. It’s just that she is much more clever than me and enters a known university studying her favorite language, Japanese.
Actually, I’m not writing to pity myself. It’s about Elle. Sometimes, I get very crossed with her due to my stingy personality. How? During secondary days, we would go out with our friends and chill at fast food joints. Being only a secondary student, we(me & my twin sister) don’t have much pocket money to spend so we would save some of the money to buy some fries or wedges. Elle is the poorest among us all but we never look down on her for that. It just that me and my sister would share money to buy a packet of fries and sometimes she ask for a helping. One or two is okay for us but once she have asked, she will continue to help herself to the last one. It’s very irritating because we only have enough money to buy one packet and three person are sharing it. Whenever we go out with her, we will eat quickly so that she won’t grab it all. And now that I’m going to the same university with her and we are pretty much alone (skin color differences) so we’ll help each other whenever we can. One fated day, her handbag got snatched and I’m very pitiful of her. The very same day, we ask for permission to go back home because she needs to renew every cards that got stolen. Since she have no money, I lend her some. RM2 for reporting at the police, 0.80 cent for bus fare to the main bus station and RM3.50 for return home bus fare. But that’s for returning to our hometown’s bus station. While waiting for my mom to come and fetch us, we got for some shopping. Elle borrow some money from me to buy something(I’ve forgotten what is it) and I have also buy some snacks for myself. After all these buying, I have only RM4 left in my wallet. When my mom still haven’t show up, we went to kill some time in another supermarket. Elle saw the packet of creamer I’ve bought in the supermarket previously and decided to buy it. She ask to borrow from me….AGAIN . After lending her the Rm1.30, I still have RM2.70 left.
I call my mom once more to ask if she’s coming now but it turns out that she is busy and she ask me to take a cab. I’m close to tears because I don’t have enough money to take a cab. Helplessly, I just end the call with an ‘Okay’. Luckily, we spot a bus going into our neighborhood. Again, it’s me who is paying. Of course, who else can pay for it? I’m not putting all the blames on her but never once does she inquiries about the balance of my money. After paying for our fare, I have no more money left except for some shillings.
After two days , when we have to take the bus to our university , Elle ask if my mom is driving us to the bus station or we have to take the bus out to the bus station. At that moment, my selfish self exploded. “Why do I have to endure hardship with you? I can simply ask my sister to take me out by motorbike . Why must I take a bus?” I lash out angrily. And now, another event which disturbs me so much that I’m writing it down is we are suppose to print out notes from our university’s webpage and because it is not a small number, Elle suggested we share money to buy a cartridge so we can print it in MY home , in MY paper. Again , my selfish self stands out. “Why must I take out money to buy one if I already own one in my home?”
I’m too selfish but I can’t help it as I’m also cash-strapped myself.
[I always believe that all people are selfish but that doesn’t means that they are selfish 24/7]
When I’m small , I always thought I like to grow up to be a social worker. Then , as I grow up, money seems a big matter to me so I gave up to be a social worker.
Now, when I can only get a RM30000 worth study loan from government to support my RM37000 studies, money is everything to me(not including self-support short term studies and accommodation + misc fees). I get stingy , even to myself.
Except my friend *Elle, nobody knows about my stingy diet. Everyday , I would have two slices of bread + two packets of biscuits as breakfast, a rice with vegetables as lunch and two slices of bread + two packets of biscuits as dinner. It’s because I don’t want to burden my family as my younger twin sister is studying university too. It’s just that she is much more clever than me and enters a known university studying her favorite language, Japanese.
Actually, I’m not writing to pity myself. It’s about Elle. Sometimes, I get very crossed with her due to my stingy personality. How? During secondary days, we would go out with our friends and chill at fast food joints. Being only a secondary student, we(me & my twin sister) don’t have much pocket money to spend so we would save some of the money to buy some fries or wedges. Elle is the poorest among us all but we never look down on her for that. It just that me and my sister would share money to buy a packet of fries and sometimes she ask for a helping. One or two is okay for us but once she have asked, she will continue to help herself to the last one. It’s very irritating because we only have enough money to buy one packet and three person are sharing it. Whenever we go out with her, we will eat quickly so that she won’t grab it all. And now that I’m going to the same university with her and we are pretty much alone (skin color differences) so we’ll help each other whenever we can. One fated day, her handbag got snatched and I’m very pitiful of her. The very same day, we ask for permission to go back home because she needs to renew every cards that got stolen. Since she have no money, I lend her some. RM2 for reporting at the police, 0.80 cent for bus fare to the main bus station and RM3.50 for return home bus fare. But that’s for returning to our hometown’s bus station. While waiting for my mom to come and fetch us, we got for some shopping. Elle borrow some money from me to buy something(I’ve forgotten what is it) and I have also buy some snacks for myself. After all these buying, I have only RM4 left in my wallet. When my mom still haven’t show up, we went to kill some time in another supermarket. Elle saw the packet of creamer I’ve bought in the supermarket previously and decided to buy it. She ask to borrow from me….AGAIN . After lending her the Rm1.30, I still have RM2.70 left.
I call my mom once more to ask if she’s coming now but it turns out that she is busy and she ask me to take a cab. I’m close to tears because I don’t have enough money to take a cab. Helplessly, I just end the call with an ‘Okay’. Luckily, we spot a bus going into our neighborhood. Again, it’s me who is paying. Of course, who else can pay for it? I’m not putting all the blames on her but never once does she inquiries about the balance of my money. After paying for our fare, I have no more money left except for some shillings.
After two days , when we have to take the bus to our university , Elle ask if my mom is driving us to the bus station or we have to take the bus out to the bus station. At that moment, my selfish self exploded. “Why do I have to endure hardship with you? I can simply ask my sister to take me out by motorbike . Why must I take a bus?” I lash out angrily. And now, another event which disturbs me so much that I’m writing it down is we are suppose to print out notes from our university’s webpage and because it is not a small number, Elle suggested we share money to buy a cartridge so we can print it in MY home , in MY paper. Again , my selfish self stands out. “Why must I take out money to buy one if I already own one in my home?”
I’m too selfish but I can’t help it as I’m also cash-strapped myself.
[I always believe that all people are selfish but that doesn’t means that they are selfish 24/7]
Friday, August 24, 2007
My lil sister's work
This is the day that marks my history forever
This is the day that marks my history forever .
My friend , Nene got her handbag snatched.
Right in front of me, I’m so scared.
It’s eight something in the morning and we are searching for some shops but everywhere is closed or not yet open . We are about to cross a road between shops when a motorcycle come from afar. We thought of giving way to the motorcycle because we don’t want to get knocked down. But then , the motorcycle stop in front of a shop not far from us. Realizing that the motorcycle are not going to cross , we walked across the road.
Nene walk behind me because she don’t want to rush when crossing road. Then , I heard her scream and she pointed at the motorcycle and say that her handbag have been snatched .
I got frantic and we chase after the motorcycle although it is futile attempt. The motorcycle disappear at full speed and Nene is left to mourn her loss. She cry so sadly that I cry along with her. Why it is an extremely sad thing? I’ll explain.
Nene comes from a family which the living quality is lower than average homes. Her mother works only as a kindergarten teacher. With that wage , her mother need to support Nene and her little brother and sister. She always save money and learn not to waste it. No discrimination here but Nene is the poorest among our friends but all of us still treats her the same because she is our friend and she is a cheerful person. When it’s time for us to work while waiting for examination result to come out , she works harder than anyone else and save money to buy an expensive cell phone. Nene , she is a person with unusual luck and a tremendous bad luck . She doesn’t score well in exam and she lost many things in her life. Money …………earrings (she also forget to take them with her after she paid it) and many more. But she always optimist.
This story is even sadder than the series of unfortunate event by Lemony Snicket.
After get snatched , Nene cry or rather , howls and mourns for the loss of her precious belongings. Inside is her precious cell phone , her wallet which contains her life money Rm67.++ , her pendrive , her contact lenses case, her mirror and ATM cards . Luckily for her, her identity card isn’t in the bag or she’ll have to make it again.
Knowing her condition and how much money means to her , I can’t stand but to cry along with her. She keep crying that she doesn’t have anything left. Her life’s ruined. She have no money and words like that. It’s a very saddening sight .
Whenever she cries , I’ll cry along. My sister ask the reason I cry along. I cry because she is so pitiful but I can’t do anything to help because I’m not a wealthy person myself. I really hated Satan. He’s the reason that the world started to filled up with robbery and kidnapping and all those evil stuff. My eyes hurt because I cry so many times.
This is the day that marks my history forever .
My friend , Nene got her handbag snatched.
Right in front of me, I’m so scared.
It’s eight something in the morning and we are searching for some shops but everywhere is closed or not yet open . We are about to cross a road between shops when a motorcycle come from afar. We thought of giving way to the motorcycle because we don’t want to get knocked down. But then , the motorcycle stop in front of a shop not far from us. Realizing that the motorcycle are not going to cross , we walked across the road.
Nene walk behind me because she don’t want to rush when crossing road. Then , I heard her scream and she pointed at the motorcycle and say that her handbag have been snatched .
I got frantic and we chase after the motorcycle although it is futile attempt. The motorcycle disappear at full speed and Nene is left to mourn her loss. She cry so sadly that I cry along with her. Why it is an extremely sad thing? I’ll explain.
Nene comes from a family which the living quality is lower than average homes. Her mother works only as a kindergarten teacher. With that wage , her mother need to support Nene and her little brother and sister. She always save money and learn not to waste it. No discrimination here but Nene is the poorest among our friends but all of us still treats her the same because she is our friend and she is a cheerful person. When it’s time for us to work while waiting for examination result to come out , she works harder than anyone else and save money to buy an expensive cell phone. Nene , she is a person with unusual luck and a tremendous bad luck . She doesn’t score well in exam and she lost many things in her life. Money …………earrings (she also forget to take them with her after she paid it) and many more. But she always optimist.
This story is even sadder than the series of unfortunate event by Lemony Snicket.
After get snatched , Nene cry or rather , howls and mourns for the loss of her precious belongings. Inside is her precious cell phone , her wallet which contains her life money Rm67.++ , her pendrive , her contact lenses case, her mirror and ATM cards . Luckily for her, her identity card isn’t in the bag or she’ll have to make it again.
Knowing her condition and how much money means to her , I can’t stand but to cry along with her. She keep crying that she doesn’t have anything left. Her life’s ruined. She have no money and words like that. It’s a very saddening sight .
Whenever she cries , I’ll cry along. My sister ask the reason I cry along. I cry because she is so pitiful but I can’t do anything to help because I’m not a wealthy person myself. I really hated Satan. He’s the reason that the world started to filled up with robbery and kidnapping and all those evil stuff. My eyes hurt because I cry so many times.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
I’m sad……. *speechless*
I’m sad……. *speechless*
I’m so sad that I wanted to cry out loud. T^T
*tears brimming*
Today , I went to the study camp by the university that I’m going to study. But actually , it is not really an university because it’s main body is in KL and this institute I’m going to study is in Ipoh and the institute simply merged with some college for it’s place. It is quite small ….. try picturing a normal shop house + a more level. Haha~ , pathetic , right ? But actually , the thing that I’m so upset about is their accommodation . It is said to be located quite a distance away and it’ll be impossible to walk . The way is to ride the van provided at RM4 per trip. God ! Are you thinking that we are rich freaking people ?!
(Then again , who is the idiot who make the dorm so freaking far away from the institute ?!!)
Then , the other thing that brought tears to my eyes is they have curfew! Shit! I was like ‘What?! My mom wouldn’t insist curfew on me and this bl**dy g*dd**m school wants to control me?’ Their rules written that nobody is allowed outside their own dorm after 10.30 pm . (But seriously , if oppa ever comes to Malaysia , I’ll skip the school no matter what!)
One more ridiculous rules is they don’t allowed anybody to brought along VCD/DVD player. Because why? Because they view the machines as a tool to view indecency items. Then my friend chipped in, what about laptop ?
Yeah , what about them ? Seriously , I don’t think that they realize. Why people would use the DVD/VCD player if they got laptop ? Why people would use the players if they could view indecency online ? These stupid idiots !!
The worst part is the ratio of the spread of people is 49% +49% +2% = 100%
We , TY (the 2% one) hardly see anybody our type .
The school makes me miserable and I missed you , Yunho oppa ! T^T
I’m sad……. *speechless*
I’m so sad that I wanted to cry out loud. T^T
*tears brimming*
Today , I went to the study camp by the university that I’m going to study. But actually , it is not really an university because it’s main body is in KL and this institute I’m going to study is in Ipoh and the institute simply merged with some college for it’s place. It is quite small ….. try picturing a normal shop house + a more level. Haha~ , pathetic , right ? But actually , the thing that I’m so upset about is their accommodation . It is said to be located quite a distance away and it’ll be impossible to walk . The way is to ride the van provided at RM4 per trip. God ! Are you thinking that we are rich freaking people ?!
(Then again , who is the idiot who make the dorm so freaking far away from the institute ?!!)
Then , the other thing that brought tears to my eyes is they have curfew! Shit! I was like ‘What?! My mom wouldn’t insist curfew on me and this bl**dy g*dd**m school wants to control me?’ Their rules written that nobody is allowed outside their own dorm after 10.30 pm . (But seriously , if oppa ever comes to Malaysia , I’ll skip the school no matter what!)
One more ridiculous rules is they don’t allowed anybody to brought along VCD/DVD player. Because why? Because they view the machines as a tool to view indecency items. Then my friend chipped in, what about laptop ?
Yeah , what about them ? Seriously , I don’t think that they realize. Why people would use the DVD/VCD player if they got laptop ? Why people would use the players if they could view indecency online ? These stupid idiots !!
The worst part is the ratio of the spread of people is 49% +49% +2% = 100%
We , TY (the 2% one) hardly see anybody our type .
The school makes me miserable and I missed you , Yunho oppa ! T^T
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Reality check!
Falling in love with Yunho is most probably the worst I’ve ever done to myself. It’s like a torture. He makes me love him so much that it hurts deeply inside me. Believe it or not , I get depression recently. The depression is actually ….. I mean it’s not Yunho that I have depression but he makes my depression got worse. I miss him , like all other fans do. Because of UfoTown , I can see that he loves his fans. It makes me think if he would reply me if I ever got a chance to send him a message . I started to look for ways to send the message. I try asking my Korean friend for help but she didn’t reply me back . This is the first time she missed the replying duration . I was thinking , did I just lost a friend because of Yunho ? I’m actually waiting for the time to come for me to continue my studies but all these days waiting for the time to come , I can only think of Yunho . It’s Yunho and nothing else. A sane person would most probably see my condition as a fanatic fan. Maybe they are right , I’m most probably insane now. Hahaha~ , I even join iple istyle even though I have not even the faintest idea about what they are talking about. I go online for 3 hours and the only thing I’m doing is downloading their clips , old and new. Recently , in my imeem , I catch the latest gossips saying that Jessica from So Nyeo Si Dae got date Yunho. I just brush it off because she is not Yunho’s type. But , being female , the name that once annoys my brain , I can’t ignore her anymore. Finding that she is from SNSD , I watch their mv to see their ability . Fortunately , I’m able to maintain a neutral mind and decided to give the mv and song a 7 out of 10 . I even took liking of Tiffany and the dancing queen…. But I’ve forgotten her name.
I love Yunho and it’s driving me crazy. God , please help me T^T
PS >> Did I mention that I’m writing a weekly email to Yunho ? I can’t be sure if the email is truly belong to Yunho but I just wanted to send him a wish and a hope. I’m going nuts~
I love Yunho and it’s driving me crazy. God , please help me T^T
PS >> Did I mention that I’m writing a weekly email to Yunho ? I can’t be sure if the email is truly belong to Yunho but I just wanted to send him a wish and a hope. I’m going nuts~
Monday, July 30, 2007
Yunho again~
My thoughts about them~
My thoughts about them~
Yunho says in his Gyao interview that his charming point is his small face. Actually he is wrong, he don’t know about it but we, Cassiopeia knows. His charming point is actually his smile. He smiles whenever he is dancing. He also smiles to indicate his respect. The best of all, he always smile no matter what happens. That’s our DBSK Leader, Yunho !
By the way, the other charming point is his leadership. We all love you , 사랑합니다!
JaeJoong says his charming point is his voice. PING PONG!! That’s right, but our JaeJoong here got more than one charming point. His eyes ! Ask any JaeJoong’s fans and they will tell you it’s his eyes that attracts them at the first place. Kepp up the good work and show us more of you yo , JaeJoong ! ^^
Changmin says his charming point is his eyes. Actually he’s wrong. While some of his fans agrees with Changmin , overall Changmin’s charming point is his personalities. The way his seriousness mix with his humour is the real charming point of Changmin . Don’t understand ? Ask his fans ! Hwaiting ~!
Yucheon says his charming point is …. Ah ha ha , he never get to say it because the members keep saying it’s his forehead. XD!! Well, I think his charming point is his playboy-like look and voice. You can see how many people faints at the sound of his soft whisper. And he always have that sexy look while taking pictures. Sexy~
Junsu says his charming point is his charisma ? Ha ha , don’t think so. His actual charming point is his naïve personality. It’s hard to explain this one but you’ll see it if you watch some of their clips. Happy watching~
Yunho says in his Gyao interview that his charming point is his small face. Actually he is wrong, he don’t know about it but we, Cassiopeia knows. His charming point is actually his smile. He smiles whenever he is dancing. He also smiles to indicate his respect. The best of all, he always smile no matter what happens. That’s our DBSK Leader, Yunho !
By the way, the other charming point is his leadership. We all love you , 사랑합니다!
JaeJoong says his charming point is his voice. PING PONG!! That’s right, but our JaeJoong here got more than one charming point. His eyes ! Ask any JaeJoong’s fans and they will tell you it’s his eyes that attracts them at the first place. Kepp up the good work and show us more of you yo , JaeJoong ! ^^
Changmin says his charming point is his eyes. Actually he’s wrong. While some of his fans agrees with Changmin , overall Changmin’s charming point is his personalities. The way his seriousness mix with his humour is the real charming point of Changmin . Don’t understand ? Ask his fans ! Hwaiting ~!
Yucheon says his charming point is …. Ah ha ha , he never get to say it because the members keep saying it’s his forehead. XD!! Well, I think his charming point is his playboy-like look and voice. You can see how many people faints at the sound of his soft whisper. And he always have that sexy look while taking pictures. Sexy~
Junsu says his charming point is his charisma ? Ha ha , don’t think so. His actual charming point is his naïve personality. It’s hard to explain this one but you’ll see it if you watch some of their clips. Happy watching~
i've cried
I’ve cried …….
Because my computer , which I call it ‘동생’ (it means little sibling in Korean) have experience a relapsed condition of getting attacked by virus . A vicious one named ‘rundll’ or something like that. Fortunately, at the end , 동생 manage to work normally so I’m relieved.
I’m really sad because the first time it got sick , it’s the fault of my pendrive . It’s my pendrive who bring the virus so it’s my fault. The people who come to see동생 says he’s gotten sick with the most extraordinary weird condition. Then , he went for a brain-washing session for동생. The session proofed effective as동생 are working normally.
Everything is well until I connected동생 with my phone to insert some picture files into it. Then, it hit me that my precious phone got attacked by the old virus. Frantically, I try to erase the damm virus but end up messing things in동생. That’s why I cry.
I can’t afford to make동생 sick again.
I just can’t …..T____________________T
Before동생, I got another computer (windows 98) which have served me for a very long duration. He started his service at year 2000 and broken last year, 2006. I call it , 오빠 which means big brother in Korean. 오빠 is our greatest memory because he have served me very long. My school projects, my letters, checking mails , playing games, listening to music, making avatars and signatures , these are some errands that오빠 had helped me with it. Then, he started to slow down and getting sick. Various virus plagued him and it’s my fault because오빠 is my first computer so I never know how to take care of him. As a result of that, he couldn’t take it and I have to call for people to look at him. The people who came says they need to take 오빠 away . Then, I’m worried that 오빠 will lose his memories with me so I requested to make a folder to store everything that is important. That person says it is not necessary as they will help me do that and all I have to do is to write down the things I need to store.
Days come and go, at last 오빠 comes back . But he isn’t the 오빠 I have known.
오빠 come back without any memories at all. Except for some minor files, the person who had taken 오빠 away have brain-washed 오빠. He isn’t the one I know anymore and we (me and my sisters) are so sad that we cry in front of the bad peoples who fix 오빠. They looked very guilty but they can’t do anything because what have done are done. You know why are we so taken back by the fact 오빠 had been brain-washed ? Because 오빠 stores 5 years of his memories with us and everything is gone in a few days. He is not the one who are with us anymore and no matter what we do , 오빠 can’t return to his old self . We started avoiding 오빠 and a few month later, he dies. We are sad that 오빠 can’t be with us anymore and later, we got 동생. And we promise to keep him healthy so he would not follow the path of his brother.
I’ve cried …….
Because my computer , which I call it ‘동생’ (it means little sibling in Korean) have experience a relapsed condition of getting attacked by virus . A vicious one named ‘rundll’ or something like that. Fortunately, at the end , 동생 manage to work normally so I’m relieved.
I’m really sad because the first time it got sick , it’s the fault of my pendrive . It’s my pendrive who bring the virus so it’s my fault. The people who come to see동생 says he’s gotten sick with the most extraordinary weird condition. Then , he went for a brain-washing session for동생. The session proofed effective as동생 are working normally.
Everything is well until I connected동생 with my phone to insert some picture files into it. Then, it hit me that my precious phone got attacked by the old virus. Frantically, I try to erase the damm virus but end up messing things in동생. That’s why I cry.
I can’t afford to make동생 sick again.
I just can’t …..T____________________T
Before동생, I got another computer (windows 98) which have served me for a very long duration. He started his service at year 2000 and broken last year, 2006. I call it , 오빠 which means big brother in Korean. 오빠 is our greatest memory because he have served me very long. My school projects, my letters, checking mails , playing games, listening to music, making avatars and signatures , these are some errands that오빠 had helped me with it. Then, he started to slow down and getting sick. Various virus plagued him and it’s my fault because오빠 is my first computer so I never know how to take care of him. As a result of that, he couldn’t take it and I have to call for people to look at him. The people who came says they need to take 오빠 away . Then, I’m worried that 오빠 will lose his memories with me so I requested to make a folder to store everything that is important. That person says it is not necessary as they will help me do that and all I have to do is to write down the things I need to store.
Days come and go, at last 오빠 comes back . But he isn’t the 오빠 I have known.
오빠 come back without any memories at all. Except for some minor files, the person who had taken 오빠 away have brain-washed 오빠. He isn’t the one I know anymore and we (me and my sisters) are so sad that we cry in front of the bad peoples who fix 오빠. They looked very guilty but they can’t do anything because what have done are done. You know why are we so taken back by the fact 오빠 had been brain-washed ? Because 오빠 stores 5 years of his memories with us and everything is gone in a few days. He is not the one who are with us anymore and no matter what we do , 오빠 can’t return to his old self . We started avoiding 오빠 and a few month later, he dies. We are sad that 오빠 can’t be with us anymore and later, we got 동생. And we promise to keep him healthy so he would not follow the path of his brother.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
following below ~
credits goes to >>loNeLY:_-wINtER""> > from imeem.com
Negative emotion angle >> I hate that girl . after all the good things Yunho say to save her. Oh , g**dd**m bl**dyh*ll !! I want to kill her if i ever get my hands on her.
Positive emotion angle >> Maybe it's something other people make up just to comfirm that girl is dead. But actually i don't care if somebody frame her because i hate her for causing harm to Yunho's body and mind .
Negative emotion angle >> I hate that girl . after all the good things Yunho say to save her. Oh , g**dd**m bl**dyh*ll !! I want to kill her if i ever get my hands on her.
Positive emotion angle >> Maybe it's something other people make up just to comfirm that girl is dead. But actually i don't care if somebody frame her because i hate her for causing harm to Yunho's body and mind .
Truth or not ?
“Two years ago, I set up a “anti-DBSK” fan club, now everyone know that I am the one who did the “Cyanoacrylate drink incident” to yunho because I hate him.
Do you all remember in year 2000, the member of G.O.D Yoon Kye Sang’s mother drank a drink that is mix with washing detergent from their fans and vomit, in the end she need to be hospitalised. That incident was also done by us. We all have a common name called, anti-fans. We are the people that will does something wickedly on stars.
I, have been wanting to punish yunho for a long time but there isn’t any chance for me to do that. On 14 October, 10pm, I past by KBS branch in Seoul and saw a lot of fans, gathered around there. After entering from the main door, and found out that DBSK is filming . After watching for 20 mins, I am so angry that I went to a nearby convienient store and bought an orange juice and super glue, mix them all up and gave it to yunho with a note.
Haha, this guy thought that I am one of the cassiopeia (which is the fans of DBSK), drank it without thinking. I think everyone want to know what I have written in the note, now I will tell you.
to jung yunho:
you better be careful of what you are saying! You are always so pround since you debut, you song let people feel like vomiting, your dance also have so many mistakes, compare to other singer you are the worse of all, so what is so great about you? do yo uknow what is your limt? Let me tell you, only kids like DBSK, when you all are shown in a channel, you all know how many people want to change the channel? The viewing ratio is so low!, haha, what kind of popular singer you are? Always the stars for the kids. Really feeling like killing you all. Hehe
I know that the police uncle will investigate that I am the one who did all this, on 15th 2.30pm, I surrendered. I could not believe that yunho still defending me, hope that I would not be charged.
I will not thank him. Because I hate him.
Heard that there are also anti-fans in china now, recently they make a mourning hall for cyndi wang (a taiwanise singer) online, this was a good idea.
Anti-fans around the world unite and together harming the stars.
From a korean anti-fans
I am also an anti-fans. I will not say my name. We always do things secretly. Two days ago, there was a reporter from a newspaper want to interview me.Since the day that yunho was hurt, the entertainment reporters of the whole world was looking for us, cassiopeia around the world wanted to kill us even, hehe, and we even became the hottest topic of the entertainment.
I think everybody may know that, the next target that anti-fans will harm will be super junior, kim hee chul and the only chinese member Han kyung. It can also be other artist as well. Everyone also saw in anti-café that mayne people also hate jay chou and lee jun ki.”
[chinese version]
N本专题采写 吴开兴
大家可能也知道了,anti-fans下一个攻击对象可能是sunper junior组合成员金希澈以及该组合中唯一的中国成员韩庚。也可能是别的明星,大家在anti cafe里可能都看到了,周杰伦和李俊基也有很多人讨厌他们的。 "
Do you all remember in year 2000, the member of G.O.D Yoon Kye Sang’s mother drank a drink that is mix with washing detergent from their fans and vomit, in the end she need to be hospitalised. That incident was also done by us. We all have a common name called, anti-fans. We are the people that will does something wickedly on stars.
I, have been wanting to punish yunho for a long time but there isn’t any chance for me to do that. On 14 October, 10pm, I past by KBS branch in Seoul and saw a lot of fans, gathered around there. After entering from the main door, and found out that DBSK is filming . After watching for 20 mins, I am so angry that I went to a nearby convienient store and bought an orange juice and super glue, mix them all up and gave it to yunho with a note.
Haha, this guy thought that I am one of the cassiopeia (which is the fans of DBSK), drank it without thinking. I think everyone want to know what I have written in the note, now I will tell you.
to jung yunho:
you better be careful of what you are saying! You are always so pround since you debut, you song let people feel like vomiting, your dance also have so many mistakes, compare to other singer you are the worse of all, so what is so great about you? do yo uknow what is your limt? Let me tell you, only kids like DBSK, when you all are shown in a channel, you all know how many people want to change the channel? The viewing ratio is so low!, haha, what kind of popular singer you are? Always the stars for the kids. Really feeling like killing you all. Hehe
I know that the police uncle will investigate that I am the one who did all this, on 15th 2.30pm, I surrendered. I could not believe that yunho still defending me, hope that I would not be charged.
I will not thank him. Because I hate him.
Heard that there are also anti-fans in china now, recently they make a mourning hall for cyndi wang (a taiwanise singer) online, this was a good idea.
Anti-fans around the world unite and together harming the stars.
From a korean anti-fans
I am also an anti-fans. I will not say my name. We always do things secretly. Two days ago, there was a reporter from a newspaper want to interview me.Since the day that yunho was hurt, the entertainment reporters of the whole world was looking for us, cassiopeia around the world wanted to kill us even, hehe, and we even became the hottest topic of the entertainment.
I think everybody may know that, the next target that anti-fans will harm will be super junior, kim hee chul and the only chinese member Han kyung. It can also be other artist as well. Everyone also saw in anti-café that mayne people also hate jay chou and lee jun ki.”
[chinese version]
N本专题采写 吴开兴
大家可能也知道了,anti-fans下一个攻击对象可能是sunper junior组合成员金希澈以及该组合中唯一的中国成员韩庚。也可能是别的明星,大家在anti cafe里可能都看到了,周杰伦和李俊基也有很多人讨厌他们的。 "
Monday, July 23, 2007
I'm .....
I love Yunho. i love him so much that my heart ache from it. It may sound cheesy but that's how i feel now.
But nevertheless i always wish him well and i hope that he will have nice days everyday.
Recently , i think he had gotten thinner. I'm very worried because of that. Still, he is very handsome ^^
I love you , oppa !
But nevertheless i always wish him well and i hope that he will have nice days everyday.
Recently , i think he had gotten thinner. I'm very worried because of that. Still, he is very handsome ^^
I love you , oppa !
My wish
I always thought what if I’m given a chance to watch DBSK perform 5 songs live in front of me , what song I would like to pick .
But I have some selection in my mind …. :
[x] Rising Sun
[x] Choosey Lover
[x] Proud
Well , the ones up here is definitely what I must hear. The other two is very hard to choose because I got many favorite songs ^^;;
{#} Mideoyo/Miduhyo (I believe)
{#} My little princess
{#} Tonight
{#} Jigeum cheorom (Like now)
{#} Hi ya ya
{#} Eternal
{#} Promise
{#} Summer Dream
{#} Begin
{#} Santa Claus is coming to town
{#} Hey!Girl
Ah ha ha ha ha ~ , guess I can’t pick two. I just want to say :
동방신기, 화이팅!! 사랑합니다!!
Dong Bang Shin Ki , fighting !! I love you guys ~!
But I have some selection in my mind …. :
[x] Rising Sun
[x] Choosey Lover
[x] Proud
Well , the ones up here is definitely what I must hear. The other two is very hard to choose because I got many favorite songs ^^;;
{#} Mideoyo/Miduhyo (I believe)
{#} My little princess
{#} Tonight
{#} Jigeum cheorom (Like now)
{#} Hi ya ya
{#} Eternal
{#} Promise
{#} Summer Dream
{#} Begin
{#} Santa Claus is coming to town
{#} Hey!Girl
Ah ha ha ha ha ~ , guess I can’t pick two. I just want to say :
동방신기, 화이팅!! 사랑합니다!!
Dong Bang Shin Ki , fighting !! I love you guys ~!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Stressed out, 190707
Yeah , today I feel very stressful. Mom is going to other state to do some important stuff. She is only going for one day only but then, the problem is I have to take care of my brother and sister. It’s never fun to be the eldest. I always have to give way to the younger one.
I am the type that can decides when I want to eat and when I don’t want it. I don’t like to be burdened by the thought that I needed to make food to eat. Because sometimes I can just ……….. not eat . And now, mom have given me the task. That’s to prepare food for my little brother. He’s only six. Meaning he must have rice every meal and he won’t eat it without soup. That means another food-making task.
One more thing that’s bothers me is mom needs to go to the bus station to get the bus but it’s quite far away. She can’t take the car because I’m afraid to drive our car since I have scarred it’s left eye in an attempt to park it. She can’t take the motorcycle either because I don’t have the license and I never bother to learn how to drive it.
The thought or guilt of inability to help my mom makes me cry. I’ve cry when she left the house. It’s raining and she have to ask the neighbors if they can drive her to the bus station. I’m so helpless….
Still , I don’t want to drive the car. I can’t…..
I am the type that can decides when I want to eat and when I don’t want it. I don’t like to be burdened by the thought that I needed to make food to eat. Because sometimes I can just ……….. not eat . And now, mom have given me the task. That’s to prepare food for my little brother. He’s only six. Meaning he must have rice every meal and he won’t eat it without soup. That means another food-making task.
One more thing that’s bothers me is mom needs to go to the bus station to get the bus but it’s quite far away. She can’t take the car because I’m afraid to drive our car since I have scarred it’s left eye in an attempt to park it. She can’t take the motorcycle either because I don’t have the license and I never bother to learn how to drive it.
The thought or guilt of inability to help my mom makes me cry. I’ve cry when she left the house. It’s raining and she have to ask the neighbors if they can drive her to the bus station. I’m so helpless….
Still , I don’t want to drive the car. I can’t…..
Monday, July 16, 2007
DBSK Malaysia Concert 1st Anniversary

I'm writing these at 14th July. As i writes on, one year have past for DBSK's ASia Tour Rising Sun'.
Today is the anniversary for the concert! The one who makes it to our history , the one who is the
first korean to have concert in our country ... and because they have come, our radio channel 988.fm
which have a program called 'Simon-san no rakuen' starts to introduce korean songs.
Ah ha ha, i just want to say that i love DBSK !!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
My confession~
My twin sister got a place in an university . She'll be leaving at the end of this month .
Me , on the other hand , got no offer but i have my backup plan and that's working until
next year for private university . I didn't got any particular job in my mind until one of my
friend mentioning about working on cruise ships . The pay is good and i'm needing to money to
support myself when i'm going to study in private university .
People support and rejects the idea . But i stand firm on my desicion .
I stand up alone , trying my best to get a nice job . I'm not stupid , i know it is dangerous to
go for a job like that but all i need is support , not critics .
Me , on the other hand , got no offer but i have my backup plan and that's working until
next year for private university . I didn't got any particular job in my mind until one of my
friend mentioning about working on cruise ships . The pay is good and i'm needing to money to
support myself when i'm going to study in private university .
People support and rejects the idea . But i stand firm on my desicion .
I stand up alone , trying my best to get a nice job . I'm not stupid , i know it is dangerous to
go for a job like that but all i need is support , not critics .
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
My life these days [3]
Now , it’s time for the major part . They STOLE my stuff !! It’s nothing expensive but it’s new , still inside it’s packaging . The thing they’ve stole is my razor . It’s really minor stuff but when I found out that my razor had gone missing , I search high and low for it because I afraid that I have take it to somewhere else . But , after a futile search , I feels tired and my eyes stings . I went to the bathroom and cry my heart out . I really feels sad and everything inside me simply pours out . Before I can even reach out for a tissue , a big droplet of tear runs down . Other people may think that I’m crazy to cry sadly over small thing (a razor) , but it’s only a partial reason why I cry .
I cry because I’m feed up with the BOB . I cry because they gang up to bully me (Plastic have long left to continue her studies) . I cry because they stole my things . I cry because the razor is still new as I haven’t use it yet . I cry because I couldn’t punish them , because I don’t have proof and evidence . So , I cried .
It’s either me or I heard B talking to E >> ‘So pity , she’s crying’
When I finally got out from bathroom , they have left for the disco again . I went to bed and cry myself to sleep . The next day , I’m still down over the incident . Then , it’s my afternoon break , I went strolling the plaza and come upon a video shop . They are featuring some songs from their newest selling album . It’s DBSK [Five in The Black] and the very moment I enter the shop , it’s Begin on air . The best part is it’s Yunho’s turn to sing . After the afternoon break , I suddenly think of an idea . I want REVENGE . The slogan for this revenge is [I planning a revenge , don’t stop me , for you’ve make me cry , I want you PAY !] What is my revenge ? Me myself also don’t know , I was thinking the payment should be ten times my loss . So , I make my aim towards B’s brassiere (E have been transferred to other apartment , YAY!!)
The next night , it’s either my luck or hers , B have also transferred to other apartment . Her luck , I can’t have my revenge on her . She can keep her brassiere . My luck , I won’t have to face her again ! I’m free from her clutches ……… XDXDXD!!!! Imagine my happiness , I straight away grab a large plastic bag and throw off everything that is not mine as it’s only me staying in the room . I throw off things I think belongs to her like a black panty soaking for days ago , a metal ring , and tore off a cert . Cruel but it’s even cruel of them to torture me . And that’s it , I’m now have a new roommate .
I cry because I’m feed up with the BOB . I cry because they gang up to bully me (Plastic have long left to continue her studies) . I cry because they stole my things . I cry because the razor is still new as I haven’t use it yet . I cry because I couldn’t punish them , because I don’t have proof and evidence . So , I cried .
It’s either me or I heard B talking to E >> ‘So pity , she’s crying’
When I finally got out from bathroom , they have left for the disco again . I went to bed and cry myself to sleep . The next day , I’m still down over the incident . Then , it’s my afternoon break , I went strolling the plaza and come upon a video shop . They are featuring some songs from their newest selling album . It’s DBSK [Five in The Black] and the very moment I enter the shop , it’s Begin on air . The best part is it’s Yunho’s turn to sing . After the afternoon break , I suddenly think of an idea . I want REVENGE . The slogan for this revenge is [I planning a revenge , don’t stop me , for you’ve make me cry , I want you PAY !] What is my revenge ? Me myself also don’t know , I was thinking the payment should be ten times my loss . So , I make my aim towards B’s brassiere (E have been transferred to other apartment , YAY!!)
The next night , it’s either my luck or hers , B have also transferred to other apartment . Her luck , I can’t have my revenge on her . She can keep her brassiere . My luck , I won’t have to face her again ! I’m free from her clutches ……… XDXDXD!!!! Imagine my happiness , I straight away grab a large plastic bag and throw off everything that is not mine as it’s only me staying in the room . I throw off things I think belongs to her like a black panty soaking for days ago , a metal ring , and tore off a cert . Cruel but it’s even cruel of them to torture me . And that’s it , I’m now have a new roommate .
My life these days [2]
Okay , to explain why I hated BOB so much . Ah , before that I need to classify the BOB to their respective initial . One is E and the other one is B .
We’ll start with some minor first :
>> B is a very rude girl . She give you the face and tone whenever she speaks to the person she hate .
>> B and E are dirty people . Why ? They didn’t bring much luggage and the most important thing (bedspread) , they also didn’t bring it . By bringing so little luggage , I think they miss all daily necessities like shampoo , body soap , comb , toothpaste , towel and etc . The day they start to live with me , the toilet started to give out strange odor , we can’t classify it stinks , it is kind of bitter smell that would make you vomit .
>> I’m suspecting B and E are using my stuff like toothpaste because I have a habit of pinching the bottom so nothing is left at the bottom . But one day , when I brush my teeth , I feel that as if someone have pinched the middle when using it because some have go to the bottom .
>> They like to go to disco nearby but didn’t have the house key . So when they come back , they keep pressing the bell . It is 3.30 in the morning , for Goodness Sake !! The next day , they went to disco again without the key again . And they press the bell again !!
>> They like to sleep with only brassiere on and a jeans . Moreover , they sleep hugging each other . Gawk ~!
>> They didn’t care you are sleeping , they only care for themselves . So , they laugh shrilly as shrill as they want , they chats loudly as they can and …. erm , I forgot .
>> They took pictures of each other with only brassiere on and they even chatting normally like that .
>> They use my shampoo and soap . How can I know ? As if they do it on purpose , my stuff are lying around the bathroom . My bodywash even stand next to a ‘baldi’ (I’ve forgotten the word in English ^^;;) which is filled with water and soap .
As I’m a peace-loving type , I choose to write notices rather than confront them . Okay , I’m timid . The notice I write are like this :
Okay , it’s time we set some rules here . First , please , please ask other people’s permission before using the stuff . It’s very impolite , didn’t your mother teach you that ? (Please don’t touch my stuff ! If you touch my stuff , I’ll kill you!) Second , please keep the bathroom clean !
But later , I found out that the notice is nothing useful so I tore it off .
We’ll start with some minor first :
>> B is a very rude girl . She give you the face and tone whenever she speaks to the person she hate .
>> B and E are dirty people . Why ? They didn’t bring much luggage and the most important thing (bedspread) , they also didn’t bring it . By bringing so little luggage , I think they miss all daily necessities like shampoo , body soap , comb , toothpaste , towel and etc . The day they start to live with me , the toilet started to give out strange odor , we can’t classify it stinks , it is kind of bitter smell that would make you vomit .
>> I’m suspecting B and E are using my stuff like toothpaste because I have a habit of pinching the bottom so nothing is left at the bottom . But one day , when I brush my teeth , I feel that as if someone have pinched the middle when using it because some have go to the bottom .
>> They like to go to disco nearby but didn’t have the house key . So when they come back , they keep pressing the bell . It is 3.30 in the morning , for Goodness Sake !! The next day , they went to disco again without the key again . And they press the bell again !!
>> They like to sleep with only brassiere on and a jeans . Moreover , they sleep hugging each other . Gawk ~!
>> They didn’t care you are sleeping , they only care for themselves . So , they laugh shrilly as shrill as they want , they chats loudly as they can and …. erm , I forgot .
>> They took pictures of each other with only brassiere on and they even chatting normally like that .
>> They use my shampoo and soap . How can I know ? As if they do it on purpose , my stuff are lying around the bathroom . My bodywash even stand next to a ‘baldi’ (I’ve forgotten the word in English ^^;;) which is filled with water and soap .
As I’m a peace-loving type , I choose to write notices rather than confront them . Okay , I’m timid . The notice I write are like this :
Okay , it’s time we set some rules here . First , please , please ask other people’s permission before using the stuff . It’s very impolite , didn’t your mother teach you that ? (Please don’t touch my stuff ! If you touch my stuff , I’ll kill you!) Second , please keep the bathroom clean !
But later , I found out that the notice is nothing useful so I tore it off .
My life these days [1]
3th of June 2007 , I’m writing this entry .
How should I start ? I want to write my life since my rotten room mate move in to live custom in our store for the person to start working first and then when off work , the other staff will bring the newbie to their respective apartment . That day , I work morning shift so I didn’t escort the BOB a.k.a Bitches Or Bisexuals (the name I call them) to our apartment . At working place earlier , they seems so nice or normal . But actually they don’t ! And that day , I sleep in my sister’s room because I was watching movie with her . The next day , I went back to my room to change clothes and notice the BOB are sleeping in the room (my room are to accommodate 5 person) . I didn’t think anything would happen and I’m doing a full shift so I got change and go to work . When I come back from working , I straight away go to sleep because so tired . The next day , I notice some of my food had disappear . What is it ? My Chipsmore in a container are left only one inside (although I can’t remember how many is it last time but it is definitely not ONE !) and my ‘kacang tumbuk’ have disappear one . This is the first time my food got eaten by other people since I first got here . I was furious because food is very important to me (I love food!!) . Other people suggest maybe the cleaner have eaten it because yesterday is housekeeping day . But other also say maybe the BOB have eaten it . I’m so confused but I have my suspicions on them . But what happen the next day is more shocking ! There are sanitary pads which have been used (which means it have blood in it XP!!) at the window side and on the basin . I was disgusted and Plastic (I call her that ^^;;) says she have seen empty sanitary pads lying around too . Also she have seen droplets of red substances on the bathroom floor . Woah , major disgusting !! We suspected the BOB because the room only house four of us , the BOB , me and Plastic . Since me didn’t do that , and Plastic denies it , we’re about 90% sure it was the BOB who did it . I decided to complain to our supervisor about it . But ‘we’ have changed to ‘me’ because I work morning shift while Plastic’s noon shift .
I complain it to my favorite supervisor , Tommy because he is nice to me ^^
After I told him the whole story , he was disgusted . He promise to look into it . But , actually he told our store manager and she call upon the BOB to ask about it . They , of course , denies it . The store manager told me about the result of her investigation (the fact that the BOB denies my charge) and suggest a bad idea . She suggest how about everybody let her touch our butt to feel if there are sanitary pad . Oh My God !! That will be so embarrassing so I strongly against it . There goes my chance to get rid of the BOB but still I against the idea . Since that moment , I’m enemies with the BOB . We never talk to each other again .
How should I start ? I want to write my life since my rotten room mate move in to live custom in our store for the person to start working first and then when off work , the other staff will bring the newbie to their respective apartment . That day , I work morning shift so I didn’t escort the BOB a.k.a Bitches Or Bisexuals (the name I call them) to our apartment . At working place earlier , they seems so nice or normal . But actually they don’t ! And that day , I sleep in my sister’s room because I was watching movie with her . The next day , I went back to my room to change clothes and notice the BOB are sleeping in the room (my room are to accommodate 5 person) . I didn’t think anything would happen and I’m doing a full shift so I got change and go to work . When I come back from working , I straight away go to sleep because so tired . The next day , I notice some of my food had disappear . What is it ? My Chipsmore in a container are left only one inside (although I can’t remember how many is it last time but it is definitely not ONE !) and my ‘kacang tumbuk’ have disappear one . This is the first time my food got eaten by other people since I first got here . I was furious because food is very important to me (I love food!!) . Other people suggest maybe the cleaner have eaten it because yesterday is housekeeping day . But other also say maybe the BOB have eaten it . I’m so confused but I have my suspicions on them . But what happen the next day is more shocking ! There are sanitary pads which have been used (which means it have blood in it XP!!) at the window side and on the basin . I was disgusted and Plastic (I call her that ^^;;) says she have seen empty sanitary pads lying around too . Also she have seen droplets of red substances on the bathroom floor . Woah , major disgusting !! We suspected the BOB because the room only house four of us , the BOB , me and Plastic . Since me didn’t do that , and Plastic denies it , we’re about 90% sure it was the BOB who did it . I decided to complain to our supervisor about it . But ‘we’ have changed to ‘me’ because I work morning shift while Plastic’s noon shift .
I complain it to my favorite supervisor , Tommy because he is nice to me ^^
After I told him the whole story , he was disgusted . He promise to look into it . But , actually he told our store manager and she call upon the BOB to ask about it . They , of course , denies it . The store manager told me about the result of her investigation (the fact that the BOB denies my charge) and suggest a bad idea . She suggest how about everybody let her touch our butt to feel if there are sanitary pad . Oh My God !! That will be so embarrassing so I strongly against it . There goes my chance to get rid of the BOB but still I against the idea . Since that moment , I’m enemies with the BOB . We never talk to each other again .
Saturday, June 02, 2007
A quiz ... ooh~
1. . Write the name of a person of the opposite
2. Which is your favorite color out of red,
black, blue, green, yellow?
3. Your first initial?
4. Your month of birth?
5. Which color do you like more, black or
6. Name of a person of the same gender as yours.
7. Your favorite number?
8. Do you like California or Florida more?
9. Do you like the lake or the ocean more?
10. Write down a wish. (A realistic one).
1. You are completely in love with this person.
2. If you choose:
Red - You are alert and your life is full of love.
Black - You are conservative and aggressive.
Green - Your soul is relaxed and you are laid back.
Blue - You are spontaneous and love kisses and affection from the ones you love.
Yellow- you are a very happy person and give
good advice to those who are down.
3. If your initial is:
A-K You have a lot of love and friendships in your life.
L-R You try to enjoy your life to the maximum and your love life issoon to blossom.
S-Z You like to help others and your future love
life looks very good.
4. If you were born in:
Jan-Mar: The year will go very well for you and you will discover that you fall in love with someone totally unexpected.
April-June: You will have a strong love relationship that will not last long but the memories will last forever.
July-Sep: You will have a great year and will experience a major life changing experience for the good.
Oct-Dec: Your love life will not be too great, but eventually you will find your soul mate.
5. If you chose...
Black: Your life will take on a different direction, it will seem hard at the time but will be the best thing for you, and you will be glad for the change.
White: You will have a friend who completely confides in you and would do anything for you, but you may not realize it.
6. This person is your best friend.
7. This is how many close friends you have in your lifetime.
8. If you chose:
California: You like adventure.
Florida: You are a laid back person.
9. If you chose:
Lake: You are loyal to your friends and to your love. And you arevery reserved.
Ocean: You are spontaneous and like to please people.
10. This wish will come true only if you RE-POST THIS BULLETIN in a different board within one hour., and it will come true before your next birthday....^___________^
2. Which is your favorite color out of red,
black, blue, green, yellow?
3. Your first initial?
4. Your month of birth?
5. Which color do you like more, black or
6. Name of a person of the same gender as yours.
7. Your favorite number?
8. Do you like California or Florida more?
9. Do you like the lake or the ocean more?
10. Write down a wish. (A realistic one).
1. You are completely in love with this person.
2. If you choose:
Red - You are alert and your life is full of love.
Black - You are conservative and aggressive.
Green - Your soul is relaxed and you are laid back.
Blue - You are spontaneous and love kisses and affection from the ones you love.
Yellow- you are a very happy person and give
good advice to those who are down.
3. If your initial is:
A-K You have a lot of love and friendships in your life.
L-R You try to enjoy your life to the maximum and your love life issoon to blossom.
S-Z You like to help others and your future love
life looks very good.
4. If you were born in:
Jan-Mar: The year will go very well for you and you will discover that you fall in love with someone totally unexpected.
April-June: You will have a strong love relationship that will not last long but the memories will last forever.
July-Sep: You will have a great year and will experience a major life changing experience for the good.
Oct-Dec: Your love life will not be too great, but eventually you will find your soul mate.
5. If you chose...
Black: Your life will take on a different direction, it will seem hard at the time but will be the best thing for you, and you will be glad for the change.
White: You will have a friend who completely confides in you and would do anything for you, but you may not realize it.
6. This person is your best friend.
7. This is how many close friends you have in your lifetime.
8. If you chose:
California: You like adventure.
Florida: You are a laid back person.
9. If you chose:
Lake: You are loyal to your friends and to your love. And you arevery reserved.
Ocean: You are spontaneous and like to please people.
10. This wish will come true only if you RE-POST THIS BULLETIN in a different board within one hour., and it will come true before your next birthday....^___________^
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
He is supposed to come in today at one o'clock . I waited and waited and finally give up on him at one thirty . I suppose he won't come in today after all . -_-
And then , it's coming to two o'clock and i'm waiting to go out for my break time and then , there he is .. looking tired and worn out . He just pass by and say 'ladies and gentlemen..' ^^';; what a weird thing to say but he appeared when i wasn't expecting him so seeing him just makes my heart beats faster . I always hated his effect on me and so effective too .
-to be continued-
And then , it's coming to two o'clock and i'm waiting to go out for my break time and then , there he is .. looking tired and worn out . He just pass by and say 'ladies and gentlemen..' ^^';; what a weird thing to say but he appeared when i wasn't expecting him so seeing him just makes my heart beats faster . I always hated his effect on me and so effective too .
-to be continued-
Thursday, April 26, 2007
My friend's last day
Monday, April 23, 2007
TVXQ fanclub 1st Anniversary party 3
Then [Balloon] is being played and we are to go to the centre to jump around and pass a big balloon around .
Later .... blahblahblah , we get to have our lunch which is spagetti ^^ Yum !
After eating , Jerry performs [Magic Castle] and [My little princess] , very nice indeed but as he had said ,
it's quite difficult to sing the songs for one couldn't sing for five .
A side comment to add , it's really comforting to see many people adores DBSK and know their songs and sing
along . It makes me feels belonged . Another side comment to add , i must say , Yuri is very beautiful !!
No boot-liking here , i just want to say out what's true . She is very beautiful and fluent in English too .
Later .... blahblahblah , we get to have our lunch which is spagetti ^^ Yum !
After eating , Jerry performs [Magic Castle] and [My little princess] , very nice indeed but as he had said ,
it's quite difficult to sing the songs for one couldn't sing for five .
A side comment to add , it's really comforting to see many people adores DBSK and know their songs and sing
along . It makes me feels belonged . Another side comment to add , i must say , Yuri is very beautiful !!
No boot-liking here , i just want to say out what's true . She is very beautiful and fluent in English too .
TVXQ fanclub 1st Anniversary party 2
And we get to have door gift which contains :
A leaflet from DBSK concert last year
A 'Mei' stick (mine is Yunho oppa XDXD!!)
A mag (but it is outdated ^^;;)
A set of DBSK [O] Jeong Ban Hap postcards
and a leaflet to promote membership for DBSK and Super Juniors (SuJu)
.... i think that's it if i remember it clearly
Because the Vip haven't arrive yet , so Jzune say we should play some games .
She just ask who is your fav Dong Bang and why and many people join in .
It seems that YuCheon got a few fans there while Yunho's fans [that's me] and JaeJoong's fans dominated
the party . YuCheon used to boast that his fans is the most in Cassiopeia ^^;;
Then , finally the Vip came and we starts the party with Felicia and her co-emcee Eeza .
We get to watch DBSK's message for 988 and myfm . There some funny part too !
A leaflet from DBSK concert last year
A 'Mei' stick (mine is Yunho oppa XDXD!!)
A mag (but it is outdated ^^;;)
A set of DBSK [O] Jeong Ban Hap postcards
and a leaflet to promote membership for DBSK and Super Juniors (SuJu)
.... i think that's it if i remember it clearly
Because the Vip haven't arrive yet , so Jzune say we should play some games .
She just ask who is your fav Dong Bang and why and many people join in .
It seems that YuCheon got a few fans there while Yunho's fans [that's me] and JaeJoong's fans dominated
the party . YuCheon used to boast that his fans is the most in Cassiopeia ^^;;
Then , finally the Vip came and we starts the party with Felicia and her co-emcee Eeza .
We get to watch DBSK's message for 988 and myfm . There some funny part too !
TVXQ fanclub 1st Anniversary party 1
It's so fun this day ! Firstly , when i thought that i'll be late with my sister , we saw the restaurant which is supposed to be the venue of the party . Thank God !!But there we stood , in front of the restaurant not knowing where to go or do . Then , the doorman point inside the restaurant and mention something like 'inside......third floor' .We then enter and again we stood there not knowing where to go . Then , the waitress insidecome to us and suddenly point to a lift and ask us to go there . We are puzzled that everybody know who are we and where are we going ... then we realise thatwe are wearing red . Maybe that's why people recognise us , we are the Cassiopeia that have bookedtheir hall upstair . We quickly went up the lift and are amazed at the scene opened upon us . Sea of red ^^ ...urm maybe not sea but it definitely quite a sight to see many people wearing red . Some is wearing kingdom's shirt [members from kpopkingdom(www.kpopkingdom.com)] and some are wearingTVXQ's fanclub shirt (which i also have now ^_^) . Some even wear the t-shirt from LG event t-shirt (actually i don't know what it is but never mind , i think you can catch it) .
We find a place to sit , then started to know people around me . I get to know a girl sitting at my left . Her name is Ginny (or so i think it is spelled this way ^^;;) and she like JaeJoong . Sitting next to my sister is a girl named Hani (again , i think it is spelled that way) and she is actually accompanying her sisterto this party so when we ask her about her favourite Dong Bang , she didn't tell us . And later she reveal thatshe likes Micky YuCheon . Her sister like Yunho (I like him too , oppa sarang hammida!!)
We find a place to sit , then started to know people around me . I get to know a girl sitting at my left . Her name is Ginny (or so i think it is spelled this way ^^;;) and she like JaeJoong . Sitting next to my sister is a girl named Hani (again , i think it is spelled that way) and she is actually accompanying her sisterto this party so when we ask her about her favourite Dong Bang , she didn't tell us . And later she reveal thatshe likes Micky YuCheon . Her sister like Yunho (I like him too , oppa sarang hammida!!)
Friday, April 20, 2007
DBSK Micky YuCheon Hwaiting !!
It is heard that YuCheon oppa is getting back his asthma . That's very sad !!
It is saud to be the changes of weather in Japan . I pray that oppa will be getting well soon T^T
Get well soon , oppa !! Amen !
It is saud to be the changes of weather in Japan . I pray that oppa will be getting well soon T^T
Get well soon , oppa !! Amen !
Yup , it's accident that i'm talking about here .
Yesterday , 4 of SuJu (Super Juniors) and 2 managers involved in an accident .
The members is Leader Eeteuk , ShimDong , EunHyuk and KyuHun . The one with the minor injuries is Shimdong and the major is Kyuhun which isn't getting well for this moment .
Let's us all pray for their health and condition so they will get well soon !!
Yesterday , 4 of SuJu (Super Juniors) and 2 managers involved in an accident .
The members is Leader Eeteuk , ShimDong , EunHyuk and KyuHun . The one with the minor injuries is Shimdong and the major is Kyuhun which isn't getting well for this moment .
Let's us all pray for their health and condition so they will get well soon !!
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
They changed me …
Yup , as I have mention up there , they have changed me . Who , you ask ? They are Dong Bang Shin Ki (DBSK) or Tohoshinki (THSK) , a very famous boyband in Korea and also in Japan . Now , also in Malaysia ^^
How they change me , you ask again ? Well , the very obvious one is actually I hate the color red . I hate it so much that I don’t have even one single red outfit in my closet …. except the class t-shirt which everybody insists on making it red . Because of them , I’ve joined their fanclub . Yeah , the third fanclub their company (S.M.Entertainment) established . Why third ? Because the first is Korea Cassiopeia , the second is Japan Bigeast and the third is us , Malaysia Cassiopeia(?) …
Okay , back to the topic . Because I have join their fanclub , I go to their fanclub anniversary party which is on 14th April 2007 (come to think of it , their concert in Malaysia also drop on 14th) and their dress code is red (which is very obvious) . So , because of DBSK , because I want to join the party , I go search high and low for a red shirt . And so , I’ve bought my very first red outfit just for DBSK .
Call me silly if you want , this is my life XP
How they change me , you ask again ? Well , the very obvious one is actually I hate the color red . I hate it so much that I don’t have even one single red outfit in my closet …. except the class t-shirt which everybody insists on making it red . Because of them , I’ve joined their fanclub . Yeah , the third fanclub their company (S.M.Entertainment) established . Why third ? Because the first is Korea Cassiopeia , the second is Japan Bigeast and the third is us , Malaysia Cassiopeia(?) …
Okay , back to the topic . Because I have join their fanclub , I go to their fanclub anniversary party which is on 14th April 2007 (come to think of it , their concert in Malaysia also drop on 14th) and their dress code is red (which is very obvious) . So , because of DBSK , because I want to join the party , I go search high and low for a red shirt . And so , I’ve bought my very first red outfit just for DBSK .
Call me silly if you want , this is my life XP
Memories ~~
What memories I’m talking about here ? Let see ….
>> Stadium Bukit Jalil
>> Hotel Regent
>> First Class Business Inn
>> Sungai Wang
>> Lot 10
>> Izzi Restaurant
These are the place where I’ll be full of nostalgia whenever I past over these place . Why ? The first one is where DBSK opens their concert . The second one is where their company (S.M.Ent) hold an audition . The third one is the place I stay after DBSK 14th July 2006 Asia concert . The fourth and fifth is a shopping centre I’m wandering about while trying to figure out where is the six one (Izzi restaurant) situated . And so , these are my special memories ^^ *beams*
>> Stadium Bukit Jalil
>> Hotel Regent
>> First Class Business Inn
>> Sungai Wang
>> Lot 10
>> Izzi Restaurant
These are the place where I’ll be full of nostalgia whenever I past over these place . Why ? The first one is where DBSK opens their concert . The second one is where their company (S.M.Ent) hold an audition . The third one is the place I stay after DBSK 14th July 2006 Asia concert . The fourth and fifth is a shopping centre I’m wandering about while trying to figure out where is the six one (Izzi restaurant) situated . And so , these are my special memories ^^ *beams*
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Ending it there .. starting anew
Then , I left CoE . But that isn’t the end of it . Although I left CoE , I decided to go back to work in CoE , but with different boss . How ? I work in retail shops that is situated inside the plaza of FiWorld . But my nightmare didn’t end with my last job . T^T
My new job doesn’t require me to tie bun nor to wear pantyhose . They only require me to wear their t-shirt and my own blue jean . So , why it is unbearable ? The reason is not that I can’t sit because when I’m a FOA , I also didn’t sit down . It is unbearable because it is too boring . Sometimes it is too boring and I’ll just stare blankly , spaced out . It’s really tired just to keep awake . See how boring is it ? So it is unbearable . But I’m still working there , now . Why ? Because I can’t stand resign again . What do you know , I get resignation phobia after resign out of being a FOA .
Apart of bored to death , there are also shortcoming in my accommodation .
What is it ?
The refrigerator have broken down . That means we can’t use it .
The television are normal but must spend time adjusting the antenna . I practically hated it because once I use thirty minutes adjusting the antenna but still cannot get any channel . Frustrated , I switch off the television and read my books instead.
My bed is only three mattress stacked together on the floor .
There are five people sharing the room and there are barely space to walk around .
The hot water in the bathroom are limited . Because we must wait 45 minutes for the heater to heat up the water and the next person to bath must wait 30 minutes before she can take a bath .
There are many moth flying , sticking and dead around the whole apartment . I hate to be the one accidentally step on it . Or finding one sticking to my towel .
The batch of people living there before is a totally dirty bunch and when they leave , they leave almost all their utensils there and nobody to use it , they started to collect dust and lately , many spiders come to live with us . Also coming along is roaches . Gross !
There are no telephone line in the apartment . There are only three spot which got it . The small area next my bed , the kitchen and the area near the door . Good grieve !
I think that’s all I find unbearable and I hope that’s all . So , apart from that …. I’m living …er..erm … just fine , I think .
My new job doesn’t require me to tie bun nor to wear pantyhose . They only require me to wear their t-shirt and my own blue jean . So , why it is unbearable ? The reason is not that I can’t sit because when I’m a FOA , I also didn’t sit down . It is unbearable because it is too boring . Sometimes it is too boring and I’ll just stare blankly , spaced out . It’s really tired just to keep awake . See how boring is it ? So it is unbearable . But I’m still working there , now . Why ? Because I can’t stand resign again . What do you know , I get resignation phobia after resign out of being a FOA .
Apart of bored to death , there are also shortcoming in my accommodation .
What is it ?
The refrigerator have broken down . That means we can’t use it .
The television are normal but must spend time adjusting the antenna . I practically hated it because once I use thirty minutes adjusting the antenna but still cannot get any channel . Frustrated , I switch off the television and read my books instead.
My bed is only three mattress stacked together on the floor .
There are five people sharing the room and there are barely space to walk around .
The hot water in the bathroom are limited . Because we must wait 45 minutes for the heater to heat up the water and the next person to bath must wait 30 minutes before she can take a bath .
There are many moth flying , sticking and dead around the whole apartment . I hate to be the one accidentally step on it . Or finding one sticking to my towel .
The batch of people living there before is a totally dirty bunch and when they leave , they leave almost all their utensils there and nobody to use it , they started to collect dust and lately , many spiders come to live with us . Also coming along is roaches . Gross !
There are no telephone line in the apartment . There are only three spot which got it . The small area next my bed , the kitchen and the area near the door . Good grieve !
I think that’s all I find unbearable and I hope that’s all . So , apart from that …. I’m living …er..erm … just fine , I think .
Getting on…..
I don’t have to mention everything of my work because basically everything is the same so I fast forward everything to the day my life gets changes . It’s about a month already that I’ve been working as FOA . Then , my sister (she works in F&B part of CoE) and her friends are planning to eat together in the restaurant serving buffet , CT . It is their working place actually . They plans to eat there because two of her friends are leaving CoE , so they plans to eat at the place they work because they always want to eat the food they serve ^^;; .
Because her friends are leaving , my sister find her working place unbearable and decided to leave CoE too . Me , being the other twin are naturally obligated to follow her on her resignation . Actually , the other reason is because the FOM wants all FOA to wear cheongsam on CNY and I don’t have money to buy … I don’t want to waste my money to buy a bloody cheongsam just to wear it for five day consecutively and later can only wear it on Halloween . I’m only a temporary staff , for Goodness sake !
Because her friends are leaving , my sister find her working place unbearable and decided to leave CoE too . Me , being the other twin are naturally obligated to follow her on her resignation . Actually , the other reason is because the FOM wants all FOA to wear cheongsam on CNY and I don’t have money to buy … I don’t want to waste my money to buy a bloody cheongsam just to wear it for five day consecutively and later can only wear it on Halloween . I’m only a temporary staff , for Goodness sake !
Starting up ….
The first day I’m going to report to work , I and a newbie friend are introduced the working place and how everybody works . Then I was to meet the FOM , front office manager . Our big boss . Me and the other girl enter his room and I greet the manager with a hello and a big smile to hide my nervousness . He seems normal enough . But I was wrong . Damm wrong . He is … is strict . (I can’t use the word I really want just in case somebody knows him and sees this) . He told us that being a FOA , we need to smile all the time and must say thank you and wishes the guest . Let me simplify the whole thing into dialogues .
He goes first :
“So , can you do it ? Can you smile and wishes the guest like Good morning , Mr. Lee , thank you Mr. Lee , please come again Mr. Lee , thank you for staying with us Mr. Lee?”
Then I say :
‘Okay , yes I can do it .’
“You can ? Have you ever thanks your mom ?”
Taken back , I was like ‘Huh ? Well , sometimes’
“Sometimes only ? Such a daughter , only wishes her mother sometimes . You didn’t say thank you mother for making this delicious food , thank you for cleaning my clothes , thank you for ironing my shirt ?”
‘Urm , …. No’
“No ? Such a disgrace . Your mother and father will be crying and fainting if you go home now and say thank you . How come you say you can say thank you to the customer when you didn’t say thank you to your parents ?”
Scared by his words and his tone , tears stating to welled up in my eyes . I was dumbstruck . I can’t speak anything . ‘Urm , sorry….sorry’, I croaked throatily .
And then he launch into some mood fling …. Okay , he suddenly become cheerful and say that he is happy to have me … us to work here and happy working . Me … we go out and the tears are threatening to spill out . I tilted my head and started fanning my eyes as if fanning will make them evaporate faster . I ask a tissue from the girl and start wiping my eyes . He was really scary … and so , from that day onwards , I hate ….ehem , dislike him . Then , the supervisor just give us a manual book on how to work the system and we were sitting there reading the manual like crazy for 7 hours . God ! I’ve never been so tired reading books . And this is how I spent the first day of my working day . Hell …
He goes first :
“So , can you do it ? Can you smile and wishes the guest like Good morning , Mr. Lee , thank you Mr. Lee , please come again Mr. Lee , thank you for staying with us Mr. Lee?”
Then I say :
‘Okay , yes I can do it .’
“You can ? Have you ever thanks your mom ?”
Taken back , I was like ‘Huh ? Well , sometimes’
“Sometimes only ? Such a daughter , only wishes her mother sometimes . You didn’t say thank you mother for making this delicious food , thank you for cleaning my clothes , thank you for ironing my shirt ?”
‘Urm , …. No’
“No ? Such a disgrace . Your mother and father will be crying and fainting if you go home now and say thank you . How come you say you can say thank you to the customer when you didn’t say thank you to your parents ?”
Scared by his words and his tone , tears stating to welled up in my eyes . I was dumbstruck . I can’t speak anything . ‘Urm , sorry….sorry’, I croaked throatily .
And then he launch into some mood fling …. Okay , he suddenly become cheerful and say that he is happy to have me … us to work here and happy working . Me … we go out and the tears are threatening to spill out . I tilted my head and started fanning my eyes as if fanning will make them evaporate faster . I ask a tissue from the girl and start wiping my eyes . He was really scary … and so , from that day onwards , I hate ….ehem , dislike him . Then , the supervisor just give us a manual book on how to work the system and we were sitting there reading the manual like crazy for 7 hours . God ! I’ve never been so tired reading books . And this is how I spent the first day of my working day . Hell …
The beginning ....
After finishing my exam , I got a job at CoE Highuplands* . It is a famous holiday resort high up on the mountain . For students , it is a dreamland for working because it always hiring people and their pay is high . For example , working as waitress in your hometown café and in CoE* , the pay could different by half ! That’s why when everybody finishes their study , they go to CoE for a temporary job with high pay . But actually the high pay comes with a great price to pay …..
I got a job in Highupland* hotel ( they got five hotel ; Highupland* , CoE* , Resot* , ThemeP* and FiWorld* ) . My job is FOA , front office assistant . I’m to assist people check in their room for those who don’t know what I’m doing . I thought I’ll be doing fine because …. because …. Hey man , what is so hard helping people check in and out ? I was wrong . Dead wrong . Actually being an FOA isn’t easy but if you get a grip of it , it can be quite easy . But I didn’t and can’t . Let see , I have to put on pantyhose which is my first time and it is not comfortable at all . I hate it . And I have to tie my hair into a bun which is a very hard task because in super cold weather like CoE , my hair straightens up . I have a hard time twisting it into a bun and clipping excess falling-out-from-the-bun-hair . Moreover , I have to put on some makeup which I didn’t know how and don’t want to . Being an amateur with cosmetics , I simply put some foundation and some eye shadow ( seriously , why they invent so much colors ? I don’t know what color is suitable for me ) and lastly , which is necessary … the lipstick . Damm , I hate lipstick because it feels heavy on my lips and I don’t feel like talking at all . Okay , after finishing my appearance , I …… wait a minute . Did I mention that my costumes are an oversized red jacket with an oversized white t-shirt ? Nope , I don’t think so . Yes , my costume are such as that . Man , I looks like a child who is trying on her father’s working suit ! If the father’s suit is red in color , I mean .
* names are fake/changed to protect the reputation of the company
After finishing my exam , I got a job at CoE Highuplands* . It is a famous holiday resort high up on the mountain . For students , it is a dreamland for working because it always hiring people and their pay is high . For example , working as waitress in your hometown café and in CoE* , the pay could different by half ! That’s why when everybody finishes their study , they go to CoE for a temporary job with high pay . But actually the high pay comes with a great price to pay …..
I got a job in Highupland* hotel ( they got five hotel ; Highupland* , CoE* , Resot* , ThemeP* and FiWorld* ) . My job is FOA , front office assistant . I’m to assist people check in their room for those who don’t know what I’m doing . I thought I’ll be doing fine because …. because …. Hey man , what is so hard helping people check in and out ? I was wrong . Dead wrong . Actually being an FOA isn’t easy but if you get a grip of it , it can be quite easy . But I didn’t and can’t . Let see , I have to put on pantyhose which is my first time and it is not comfortable at all . I hate it . And I have to tie my hair into a bun which is a very hard task because in super cold weather like CoE , my hair straightens up . I have a hard time twisting it into a bun and clipping excess falling-out-from-the-bun-hair . Moreover , I have to put on some makeup which I didn’t know how and don’t want to . Being an amateur with cosmetics , I simply put some foundation and some eye shadow ( seriously , why they invent so much colors ? I don’t know what color is suitable for me ) and lastly , which is necessary … the lipstick . Damm , I hate lipstick because it feels heavy on my lips and I don’t feel like talking at all . Okay , after finishing my appearance , I …… wait a minute . Did I mention that my costumes are an oversized red jacket with an oversized white t-shirt ? Nope , I don’t think so . Yes , my costume are such as that . Man , I looks like a child who is trying on her father’s working suit ! If the father’s suit is red in color , I mean .
* names are fake/changed to protect the reputation of the company
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