What It's About
DBSK fans become penpals with children in hospitals/orphanages. Spread the love by reaching out to people all over the world.
The Letters
1. We contact other fansites/forums.
2. Fans will submit their name and country to us.
3. We (AOE) compile the fan list and find hospitals/nursing homes/orphanages that have possible penpals.
4. We send each fan the address and name of their fellow penpal.
5. Fans purchase a red envelope (and small, flat gifts if they want)
6. Fans write a letter, sign it at the very end as, "__(NAME)___, a DBSK fan".
7. Fans send it (postage stamps and all) to their penpal.
1. We either ask for donations on a site, or redirect them HERE onto AOE (as is the case for Soompi Forums).
2. We collect as much as we can, and send the donations to WFP in the name of DBSK.
Want to participate?
Please go to: http://s1.zetaboards.com/angelsoftheeast/topic/1535242/1/
Credit: dbsker@blogspot