Saturday, November 25, 2006
I'm getting crazy ~
I’m going crazy very soon !!! Why ?
I tell you why . Because MKMF is going on now and all I can do now is wait for other people who can watch it live to tell me the results of the award ceremony . Or better still waiting for some people to upload the ceremony online .
*sigh* I wonder what is happening over there in the ceremony ? Has it started yet ? Have they arrive yet ? Will they perform ? Will they win anything ? No matter they win or lose , I’m proud that I’ve voted them .
Hwaiting !!!
Dong Bang Shin Ki !!!
동방신기 !!!
当方神起 !!
Monday, November 20, 2006
Work of my lil sis ^^
First Day of STPM [DONE] XDXD!!
X is seven times older than Y now.
In after 20 years , the age of Y is half of X
From the above table , what is the total age of X and Y in after 20 years ?
A . 60 years
B . 63 years
C . 72 years
D . 75 years
Well , that’s the question ^-^. As soon as I see the question , I start making them into algebras and ended up with Y is 8 years old . If Y is 8 , then X is 56 . After 20 years , Y supposed to be 28 and X is 76 . That does not make sense at all so I was frustrated . Then I decided to break everything down and use logics . Then , I was able to find the answer ^^ . (Hey , I’m sorry if you can get the answer easily , I’m a math-idiot XP)
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Friday, November 17, 2006
[Question] What kind of a person are you ?
Type 1 : People who learns from others mistakes
This kind of person leads a quite successful life . They are able to learn from other people’s mistakes and take the lesson as their own . Because they are able to learn from others mistakes , they are also able to prevent themselves from making the same mistakes . But , the weakness of being type 1 is they are not able to cope it when they make mistakes . The key here is able to stand back when faces mistakes
Type 2 : People who learns from their own mistakes
This kind of people get benefits from their daily life because they learns from their own mistakes . They are able to know reason why they make mistakes and they will naturally remind themselves not to make the mistakes again . The weakness of type 2 is they can’t only learn when they make the mistakes themselves . There are nothing we can do as type 2 will makes mistake no matter how many times you’ve reminded the not to .
Type 3 : People who never learns (from their own or others)
This kind of people is obviously hard-headed . They never learns and always think that they are right . There is nothing we can’t do as they are not worthy to help .The world is full of this kind of people so I hope you are not categorized into this type .
[Question] Have do you view your life ?

Take a look at the picture above .
Now , tell me what come across your mind ?
Is the cup half-filled or half-emptied ?
If it is half-filled , then you are viewing your life positively . That’s good . Please continue to do so and live your life happily . You are supposed a happy person and you give happiness to other people too .
If it is half-emptied , please don’t feel sad . You are just viewing your life in a negative side . That’s means you are always prepare for the worst and are ready to face it . You are supposed to be a calm person and you are able to give other people a sense of safety . But , be careful not to think to much as it tends to give you a bad mood . Try to smile often .
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Magazine crazed with Dong Bang Shin Ki [동방신기]
Yeah – Issue 221
I buy this magazine just because it got DBSK at the back cover . And it also contains a contest to win a poster of DBSK inside . Crazy , huh ?
Play – May Version
This one is expensive and it is sealed with plastic wrapping so I don’t know what’s in it but I bought it just because the cover mention the word [東方神起] . Plus it also got my favorite Japan boy band – Lead ^^
TV Times – Issue 125
This one is quite good because it contains more than 4 pages of DBSK and not quite expensive . The TohoShinKi song book got one picture from each of DBSK member with one lyric included in each page . But in Yunho’s and Micky’s page , their name got mixed up . Overall the mag is good !
Young Generation – Issue 262
This magazine (I call it ‘YGen’) is really for the DBSK fans out there . I really recommend this magazine but it is a little bit expensive . I think among the staff of YGen , there are DBSK fans , so the mag features some quite details in there . This one , I bought it because it features the first concert they ever held in southeast Asia [that’s our Malaysia] . And because me also got go to this concert , I simply can’t resist the temptation to buy this mag . YGen 最高 !!
Young Generation – Issue 263
This is YGen of the next issue . Because they features DBSK again so I simply must buy it . This time the mag brings sad news yo . Yunho is their main concern because one of his leg is injured before DBSK comes to Malaysia and Yunho hurts the other leg while in Malaysia . The mag includes many detailed information and some prayers for Yunho to heal fast . Yunho’s fans must buy this one yo ! [and me is one of them ^^]
Young Generation – Issue 266 [I think so]
I didn’t buy this issue because I’m in the middle of bankruptcy …. T^T
This poster is included in this issue and it is a simply must-buy for those DBSK fans out there . Me ? For me , I didn’t have to buy it because my friend who bought this issue is a non-DBSK fans so she gave me this because she know that I’m a crazy DBSK fans ^^ . A very good friend yo !! (^o^)V
Young Generation – Issue 267
This issue is the latest one which I have bought a few hours ago . I’m loving YGen !! Why ? Because it features many of the latest information of DBSK . Example , their latest album showcase [“O” 正.反.合.] , Yunho , Chang Min and Micky in YashimManMan [夜心万万] and DBSK in X-Man . Plus they even translated the part of DBSK in YashimManMan and X-Man .
Ahh , before I forget ..
ARENA – Issue 37
This a malay magazine , or it is a compilation parts of many comics to be a mag . Well , I bought this mag for the sake of DBSK ^^ . The picture on the top is the making of Airsket advertisement . Yunho is really cute jumping out there !! Plus , I can read many comics here so the mag overall is good .
Monday, October 16, 2006
RE : My opinion about Yunho’s news
I’ll be writing very rudely so if you can’t stand it , please refrain from reading now . Thank you .
My opinion is :
You better pray hard that I don’t find you . Otherwise you would have wished you’re DEAD !
Why am I saying this ?
Firstly , you say you saw DBSK 2 years ago and found out that you dislike them .
Then you join anti café but didn’t do anything anti until now .
So what if you dislike DBSK ?! Can’t you just keep it to yourself , huh ?! HUH?!!
Then , you say DBSK are bad in dancing and singing . And you also say they always make mistakes in their live performances .
What the @$*%#*$#*(#@@?!!!?!!! DBSK is bad in dancing ?!!! Yunho is the best dancer and you are saying that he is not good in it ?!!! To HELL you go , dammit !!!
Bad in singing you say ?! Then you are assuming that we [fans & Cassiopeias] are deaf , aren’t you ?! People support DBSK because their songs can capture their heart and nice to hear . Okay , maybe there are songs that didn’t meet your expectations but you didn’t have poison Yunho for that , damm you !!! Make mistakes in live ? So what ?! They are human too and sometimes it is technical fault . You can’t blame them . Humans makes mistakes and you are making one now . Big one .
SM haven’t make any charges against you , right ?
You have some choices to make here .
One , pray hard that you are in jail because if you are not , us fans are so going to kill you .
Two , you didn’t have to go to jail and we won’t kill you . You just have to drink the same thing that Yunho drink [your special drink , still remember?]
Three , kill yourself . You deserve it .
So , make up your choices . We’ll be waiting .
Oh my god , I am so rude up there !!! It is all because of Miss Go . Yunho had been enduring hardships even before he join SM . He is very kind , always smiling and always think of his fans and yet Miss Go betrayed Yunho’s trust and make him hurt deep inside .
She had make Yunho scarred mentally and physically . He might be okay physically but how about mentally ? Will Yunho be afraid of his fans from now on ? Will he becomes paranoid ? Are Yunho still the Yunho we all knew ? Can’t she see that Yunho should be enjoying his life instead of taking treatment in hospital ? I can’t forgive Miss Go . I really can’t ……
I forgive Miss Go already and i have no grudge or whatsoever thing towards her ....
Because Yunho says so ..
That's all ..
[SUMMARY] Yunho’s shocking news
First of all , how this all started :
Info stated that the drink is meant for Yunho [although there were some stated it is for Micky actually] . Yunho is thirsty and he took the drink which is on the table . Some say Micky didn’t drink it because it looks suspicious . Yunho says that their fans will not do anything like that so he drink it . But as soon as Yunho drink from it , he threw up blood and start showing signs of losing consciousness . Yunho then is immediately send to nearest hospital and had been in the emergency room for 1 hour .
Then ,
After checking Yunho’s condition , it is relieving to hear that Yunho is safe and not having any life-threatening sickness . Yunho is lucky that he didn’t drink the beverage all the way down his stomach otherwise…………………..otherwise he …..he won’t be with us anymore . Yunho is alright physically but we can’t be certain about mentally .
Now ,
Let us go to the side of the story . The culprit [bitch!!!] .
She is named Miss Go , 20+ and is a university student .
She don’t like DBSK so she decided to give them a lesson or a threat .
She bought a drink and possibly put something [I don’t know what’s that but it isn’t good , I can tell] inside the drink . Besides that , she also swab some superglue on the exterior of the neck of the bottle . Plus , she also include a threat note which goes something like :
You guys is no good . You are bad in dancing and always make mistakes in live performances . You can only fool young girls . I hate you ….
[ I can only remember this much because I’m so pissed out when I’m reading it]
*If you wish to know more about the threat note , please refer to the credits below , thank you*
But ,
When she thought no one would even touch the drink because of the extremely suspicious outlook , Yunho drink it just because he TRUSTED his fans . After a very few while , Yunho’s news that he is send to hospital because of the drink flood the internet . Miss Go found out that things had gotten worst because police had got into investigations .
So ,
Miss Go SURRENDER herself . [actually I think she want to surrender herself because every single one of Yunho’s fans swear that they will kill her and that includes me]
S.M Entertainment haven’t [in my timeline] decided what to do [I mean charges here] to Miss Go .
And ,
That’s the end of my summary of Yunho’s shocking news . Thanks for reading and please send your love to Yunho to the websites in credit below so that he will heal even faster .
Hot & Dong Bang Shin Ki (
BM (
Only one U-know (
With Yunho (
Kpop kingdom (
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Yunho in hospital ~
translation credits: theonlyrealone@In:Com, dbsg@ljsource: cocomm@17look8 +
plus credit >>
I was happily browsing DBSK forums and website when i saw this news .
My first reaction is 'OhMyGod??!!'
Please let Yunho be alright , please Father in Heaven !
I nearly cry out , tears already forming in my eyes ... T^T
The girl [who give Yunho that drink] ,
Hey you ! You better pray hard that i don't find you . Otherwise , i pretty sure i'll feed you cyanide myself .
I'm too sad ......
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
i hate my life ~~~
not studying
indulging in DBSK
wasting my money surfing the net
being so down
and i really hated this computer and it's stupid low low connection . DAMM IT !!!
Sunday, October 08, 2006
X-man [featuring DBSK のみんなーさん]
Firstly , the ‘hanging’ game . From what I see , it seems that the rule is to make the opponent fall no matter what tactics you use . The starting seems quite funny because the person named ‘micky myeonsu’ [I’m guessing the name] says he wanted to challenge somebody but he seems to have not mention the person’ name so everybody on the blue side got puzzled . Then he pointed Micky [our DongBang boys] out and say something like he wanted to challenge him . And clips of them appeared , it seems they have some sort of unsolved grudge ?
My greatest fear came true when Junsu came forward to face Changmin . I was like ‘My god ! Are they really want to fight each other ?’ Woah , the way they fight really violent . And also their expression shows that they don’t want to lose …. T^T It is scary .
And the most shocking thing is when both side left only one member , it is JaeJoong from blue side and my Yunho from red side . My goodness !!! But luckily , I caught them smirking to each other . That means they are playing …… right ? First round , Yunho lose because JaeJoong use his toes to tickle Yunho . Second round , Jaejoong lose because Yunho ‘clam’ JaeJoong with his leg and tickle JaeJoong with his free hand .^^
Then come the second game , I don’t know what is it but it seems to me it is a game where you must make your opponent speechless no matter what you say . In Yunho’s part , his opponent is quite cracked ^^ . She keep dancing and sing ~U-know , I love you~
But Yunho counter-attack by saying something hurts ? The most charming guy is Micky .
Because he started his attack by calling his opponent her name and say ‘조아유’ . *melts* Even his team mate gets melted , Micky realized this and got ahead to charm them . Micky , you are a real playboy , are you ? XDXDXD!!!
Saturday, September 02, 2006
When trial and DBSK meet~
After listing down the benefits , what are the side effects ? Well , since I started to like DBSK , I have talk about DBSK non-stop . I surfing the net to download their performances [and it is always at least an hour ] , I can’t stand the temptation to open the computer to listen to DBSK songs [and that means I didn’t study] , and I used up my savings for their merchandise [talk about going crazy] .
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Fake kissing scene [court version]

Do they look like JaeJoong and Yunho from DBSK ?
If you look for a few times in a short while , you might find that they are really look like them but evidences had show us the truth .
Let us look into this case .
Court !
Evidence :
Professional analysis (mainly JaeJoong’s fan)
(1) JaeJoong have muscles bigger than the person inside the picture
(2) JaeJoong would never leave his big cross earring
(3) The person’s Adam apple is bigger than JaeJoong’s
(4) JaeJoong got a bigger body than the person inside the picture
Professional analysis (made from Yunho’s fan)
(1) Yunho got a bigger body than the person inside the picture
(2) Yunho have bigger muscles
(3) Yunho have different hairstyle in that timeline
(4) Yunho is straight
(5) Yunho is fairer than the person in the picture
So , after the analysis presented from the professionals ,
the Court have decided the result .
It is decided that the two people in the picture are not
JaeJoong and Yunho from DBSK .
It is only a fake scam to stir up ripples in the water .
And therefore , case dismissed .
Court !
Comment : People says that the fake(s) have make this up to mimic JaeJoong and Yunho . And some just say it is some dirty trick to stain DBSK’s reputation . God knows ? In my opinion , ……… ‘So what if the picture is real ? Can anybody do anything to stop that ? Just do ya job as a fan , that’s all !’
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Kissing scene from someone i think i know
Monday, August 21, 2006
Yunho~ the only one in my heart

This is Yunho in Tri Angle ! ^^
He looks very cute with that humongous batch of hair ^^;; . Still i like him the way he are .
Love the pale complexion and pink lips !
This is Yunho in Hug !! So cute !
This is the time when he haven't get his teeth fixed (i wish he didn't)
so he got a chubby face yo !!
This is Yunho from Mid uh yo ! He already fixed his teeth but he is still
handsome yo !!
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
My picture in concert !
Friday, August 11, 2006
为 东 方 神 起 - 自 由 行 的 我 们 [ Part 2 ]
At last we can get in the stadium . Our seat is the 2nd floor on the right of the stage . While waiting for the concert to start , the big screen were showing some advertisement . One of it is 东 方 神 起 promoting the LG cell phone M6100 . At that time , everybody screams because we are able to watch东 方 神 起 and they are very handsome !!! I scream when Yunho says ‘Hello?’ in the advertisement . After waiting for a moment of two , the staff starting to test the lights and there are staff pushing five table-like-platforms to the center of the stage . My sister is puzzled and ask what is the tunnel-look-alike thing hanging up on the stage . She was guessing that maybe 神 起 will come down from there .
14/07/2006 – 9.15pm
The time has come for the concert to begin because the lights went dim and music were blaring in the stadium . I’m very excited !! The screen started to show an UFO heading towards Earth and flying around a city with many tall buildings . I’m guessing that’s KL but it isn’t . Anyway , the UFO stops at a place and lights shone down showing a scene of five motorbikes speeding at a road and they were东 方 神 起 !! After some time , the clip ended and the middle screen suddenly opens and shows five long boxes loading and suddenly blacks out and on top of the stage , five long boxes reappears and land on the table-like-platforms . And lights shone on them revealing东 方 神 起 in them ! Everybody screams !! Before the boxes opens , the boxes containing Xiah rocks !! A staff quickly steadies the box . Somebody says she heard Xiah scream (but who wouldn’t?) .
The boxes reveals东 方 神 起 and they started to sing . I was like ‘KYAAA!!! Real people of东 方 神 起 performing right before my eyes’ and so , I didn’t quite paying attention on the songs they were performing [this is the sad part] . But I still feels very happy because I am able to see the real东 方 神 起 . They got sing Hug , Tri Angle , Dangerous mind , Always there , Ji geum cheo reom , Tonight ..... (this is what I heard people were saying ) . At the peak , 东 方 神 起 performs Rising Sun . The starting beat alone is enough to get people screams !! I was very happy because I know how to sing the song (except the rap part) . At the part where everything cools down , Yunho started talking Korean and whenever he finishes sentence , people just scream !! Before he ends , he says ‘Sarang haeyo’ and people just screams . So , catching the cue , Yunho says ‘Sarang haeyo’ again and people screams !!! Me too !!! Now , it is Micky’s turn to talk . He speaks in English and we all appreciated it . He ask ‘Are you having fun ?’ and we answer him ‘YEAH!!!’. He then continues talking : This is the first time we were having concert in the southeast Asia and we hope we will come here again . Thank you for your support . And then people screams !!! [Please don’t hit me if Micky didn’t say like that because I can’t possibly remember all the things he said]
For Super Juniors part :
They starts to perform some songs and then cool down to introduce themselves . Every introduction is accompanied by many screams !! And there is one guy [I don’t know his name] , he got tired of traditional introduction . He just sigh and laugh saying ‘Nice to meet you’ and people screams again !! When Han Geng introduce himself , everybody screams because he is speaking Mandarin and we UNDERSTAND what he says . He say ‘你 好 吗 ?我 们 是 第 一 次 来 马 来 西 亚 ........’ and everybody screams again . And then they starts to perform again .
After Super Juniors performs , 神 起 starts their own again !! XDXDXD!!!
While神 起 was performing , I saw some staff climb up the Y-shape stage and starts to put some stand on it . Not long after , 神 起 walks towards the Y-shape stage and lean against the stand . Xiah is the one farthest following by Micky , Hero at the center , Max the second nearest and Yunho ... the one standing most nearest to me !!! XDXDXDXD I am screaming on top of my lungs !! He is standing 4 metres away from me. *sigh* I am breathing the same air with Yunho !! They sings some song and then the stand they were standing rise up . So great !!! << I can’t find any words to put in XP
The most romantic scene of 神 起 is when they spread out petals to the air (by the help of fans) while singing . It nearly stops my heart . After singing , they retreat to the backstage .
When the big screen started to shows神 起MV [Hi Yah Ya] , it was actually a cue that the concert has ended but we don’t know that and we keep yelling ‘Encore’ . It was when the stadium lights up that we know the concert has ended . It was a bit disappointing because this is my first concert and it has no encores . But I still feels very happy . After the MV ended , everybody is rushing to the LRT station to catch the last tram . And this is how my first concert ended .
为 东 方 神 起 - 自 由 行 的 我 们 [ Part 1 ]
14/07/2006 – 1.00pm
Me and my sister take a bus to KL . I’m so excited and nervous at the same time . My friend (Vic-chan) ask me whether I got red clothes or not because she says it is better to wear red . I was puzzled and says I don’t have one . I’m wearing a purple one .
あかい が きらい です !! It was until I reached there , then I know why .......... Anyway , Vic-chan also say we should memorize some songs because they were planning to sing some before the concert starts . The songs is Hug , My Little Princess and Show Me Your Love . I was like @#$% (I am not speaking foul language , mind you) because I only know Hug (I know them for only two weeks) . So , upon on the bus , me and my sister are busy memorizing lyrics .
14/07/2006 – 3.45pm
We reached the Pudu bus station and that’s when my 自 由 行 starts . We call our father and he asked us take the LRT . And then he take us to our hotel and we waits for the time to past . As Vic-chan says the stadium opens at 6.00 pm , we planned to go at 5.45pm . At almost 4.15pm , Vic-chan sends a sms asking whether I have arrive to Bukit Jalil because she says many people have arrive . I was shocked because the time wasn’t even close and many people already come . Me and my sister quickly pack our stuff and get ready to go .
14/07/2006 – 6.15pm
We reached Bukit Jalil LRT station . I was very anxious because we were late 15 minutes for the opening of the stadium . But when we arrive to the main entrance , we saw many people . ~A sea of reds ~ That’s what I call the scene in front of me . There are many people wearing red clothes and red bandanas . I was amazed . A little bit feeling of guilt crept in myself for not wearing red . But it’s never mind because あかい が きらい です .
We searched for Vic-chan and we found her queuing in a very very long queue . She come to us when she saw us . We’re actually meeting for the very first time yo . Vic-chan is quite tall and very nice !! She lead us to queue at a booth giving off free goody bag . She says the booth is actually for those with LG phone but to few people with that phone so they were giving out to those presented their ticket to them and fill in some details . The goodies are included : One 神 起 screen wiper , one神 起 bookmark , one set of 神 起 stickers and one神 起 mouse pad . Then , I met Ariq-san . She was very beautiful !! We exchange brief introduction (we’re meeting for the first time too) and each one of us move on with our own program . Me and my sister were looking around and found a queue for free poster of东 方 神 起 so we quickly queue up the line .
14/07/2006 – 7.30pm
We are still queuing for the free poster . *sigh* It took us long enough for that poster . As the time past , I am getting nervous . The concert is starting at 8.00pm but we are still queuing outside . We fill in a set of survey and the staff hand us a bag containing one 东 方 神 起 poster , one Korea guide book , some pamphlets and a map of Korea . And at last it’s time for us to go in . The situation gets hot and everybody is rushing and pushing to get in . Then somebody screams and we thought it was东 方 神 起 they saw in the building but later I found out they were screaming because the media was taking pictures . 元气ですね !!
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Are you super fan of TVXQ ? Ask yourself !! XDXD
You are consider one if :
You study Korean just to understand what TVXQ says
You join their fanclub even if the fees are killing you
You enter all kinds of contest just because the prizes are TVXQ’s merchandise
You want to buy the M6100 LG cell phone just because TVXQ have advertise it
You scream at the sight of TVXQ (at the television , of course)
You memorize all their lyrics (even if you don’t know what it means)
You learn how to sing their songs
You started to look for big crosses (earrings or necklace)
You go to their concert (even when your parents object)
You have posters of TVXQ in your room
You have many magazines of TVXQ
You go crazy after a newspaper articles if it mentions anything about TVXQ
You buy an expensive magazine just because it have TVXQ at the cover
You have TVXQ pictures for wallpaper (both computer and cell phone) and songs for ring tone
You cry when you find out TVXQ are sick (and still working)
You learn / try to sing accapella
You buy TVXQ necklaces online even it cost you your life (man , it’s really expensive T^T)
You know how to dance TVXQ’s dance (at least you know Rising Sun)
You buy all singles and albums (original)
So , are you super fans of TVXQ / DBSK ? I'm one because i done some on top and everytime my teacher ask 'you know ?' , all i heard is u-know . And everytime i see or heard the word triangle , all i ever remember is TVXQ song (Tri Angle)
Are you super fan of Lead ? Take a look !
You are super fans if you see Lead in everything :
>> you are studying Chemistry and you smile every time the teacher mention the word ‘Lead’
>> you sometimes consider to paint your room in orange
>> you study Japanese just to understand what Lead says in their performance
>> you are shopping for clothes and suddenly exclaimed “Ah , these similar to Lead’s!”
>> you name your Ipod with the name ‘Night Deluxe’ or ‘Virgin Blue’
>> you can identify Lead’s songs by just listening to the first beat of the music
>>you scream by just looking at the pictures of Lead
>>you can remember all the lyrics (at least your idol’s part)
>>you swear you’ll go to Japan one day to attend Lead’s concert
>>you have all the singles and albums by Lead (original)
>>you buy the magazine just because it got Lead at the front cover or just one page only
So , what is your level of fandom ? Post a comment and let 's see it !! Me consider myself a super fan because i almost done everything above XP
That day again ~ Open burning
*sigh* It’s the day again when the Chinese burns offerings to the deity (god) for some reason . I’m a Chinese but I’m an atheist (nobody knows that except my twin sister). But yes , I do burn incense on a regular basis …. *sigh* what can I do , if I don’t burn it , my mom would kill me for being lazy to serve the god . As a Chinese , I’m very sad that we maybe the top 3 contributor to the happening of global warming . Why am I saying that ? Let see , Buddhist burns incense everyday , burns a lot amount of paper on Ching Ming (Hungry Ghost Festival) , and one festival I don’t quite remember what but we do burn something there . I basically hated people for open burning . Can people see that the sky is getting misty by haze ? Everyday when I comes back from tuition or school , I see people in rural places burns away their rubbish like nothing special happening . I was like !@#$%^* (don’t misunderstood , I don’t speak foul language) . Our world is going down and you guys out there know perfectly well it would not be long . So long XP
Friday, August 04, 2006
Yunho sickness ~
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
The one who catches my heart ~
Let me tell you le , i like Lead from Japan and for the whole one year and seven months nobody seems interesting to me (i mean idols here) and suddenly some koreans wanted to open concert in Malaysia . I was like 'Woah!!' This is very historic !! The very first Korean to open concert in Malaysia . And Yunho caught my eyes and ears by his serious looks and charming low voice . I found that i'm falling in love with idols other than Lead . I was very troubled and i get headache for thinking too much . At last as DBSK concert is coming closer , i realise i like DBSK better because they're coming to Malaysia . From that day i 've decided , i went to and start searching videos of them and i starting to like Yunho more and more ! Choa haeyo , yunho ssi !!!!
Thursday, April 13, 2006
FanGirls Manual
>> I _____ (ya name) swear to loyal to _______ ( idol's name ) and i will cherish him for good . Should i break this oath , i will consider kicking myself out of this fandom .
>>>>>Fangirls Manual<<<<<<
(1) Remember ya identity
-----> Yes , you are a fangirl . You can call ya idol ya husband , boyfriend or slave but never consider this is real . Otherwise , peopler will think that you're crazy .
(2) You must not fall in love with ya idol
------> Yes , you can like them , you can love them but you cannot fall in love with them . Why ? Nice question . Because you will suffer and maybe attempted suicide when you find out that they're having relationship with other people . Get it ?
(3) You must support ya idol
------> But of course , otherwise why ya call yaself fangirls ?
(4) You must not buy fake cds of ya idol
------> This is very important for you yourself and for ya idol . Suppose ya buy unofficial cds of ya idol , you will risk getting caught and spend ya life in jail . And ya idol will be sad and did not earn any money from the sales of their unofficial cds . So , support original official CD !!
(5) Loathes anybody who critises ya idol
------> That's right . How dare they critises ya beloved idol . Kill them , hack their account , call them elephant legs .!!
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Fallen sick ~
to tuitions and trial exams . I'm gonna die ......
But for the sake of my family and Akira , i can't die here . So , i'm still alive until now ! ^^V
Friday, March 31, 2006
Sunday, March 26, 2006
He is my friend . That day , we were skipping class in the library and were listening to the radio .
I was reading Harry Potter back then and suddenly he say 'Hey , listen to the lyric!' and the chorus went like this ' I love you......' . I know he meant that the song is nice but i get the wrong cue . But i still think that is very romantic . *sigh*